Congratulations, you’ve won Lights Going Out!
All that remains now is to find out how your clan fares in this new world and to make a few decisions that will likely factor into the next game, The World Reborn.
Berenstead Survives[]

“ | <Sole Survivor/Venef/Iverlantho> returns to find Berenstead <battered but largely intact/miraculously standing, thanks in no small part to his reweaving of your home>. Stranger still, <a few people of your clan/a couple dozen clan members/scores of clan members> survive! Among them is <<Venef/Iverlantho>, who hails <Sole Survivor>'s return/his <young> <son/grandson>, Prince Erenlanth. <Venef/Iverlantho> weeps with joy, clasping him in his battle-weary arms>. <<The survivors/They> were sheltered by the dwarves who live below the citadel, who opened a hidden passage to their underground realm. Wheezing dwarf machines produced something called sharp air, which they were able to breath while huddled down there. The Stone Folk said they <would not have done it, had we not made a truce with them/had learned that all components of the World Machine must work together. This happened when their hero fought the Chaos gods alone and found everyone else fighting too>/None of them have any memory of the mass slaughter that <Sole Survivor> survived>." | ” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
This text can vary a great deal depending on several factors, such as:
- The identity of your Sole Survivor (members of the royal family in particular have much unique text)
- Whether you made peace with the dwarves (though, no matter what they say, they will help your clan survive in either case)
- The manner by which your clan nearly died before the world ended
- The degree of success you have had in the Dead World, or possibly the entire game (seems to influence how many of your clan members survive)
- "Erenlanth!" - Venef or Iverlantho, if either is the Sole Survivor and finds Erenlanth among the survivors
- "It is good to see you alive, <Sole Survivor>." - Venef, if he was among the survivors
- "Had I been among the <Player Clan>s when the world was no more, my old impetuosity would not have helped them survive." - If Erenlenth is the Sole Survivor
- "There were few opportunities for daring once the sky turned black, but many for courage. I think I understand my father better now." - Erenlanth, if he was among the survivors
- "If we had not made peace with the dwarves I would be returning home to empty rubble." - Sole Survivor, if you have a truce with the dwarves.
- "I saw all this destroyed, but I rewove it in the great spider's lair." - if the Sole Survivor successfully rewove the world during Dead World: Spider's Web
- " I failed to reweave the world, but it seems I rewove Berenstead." - if the Sole Survivor only partially succeeded with their weaving
Special Bond[]

“ | A period of rebuilding follows. Then dwarves came back to lead you to the Unity Battle, where all peoples of the region gather against Wakboth's army. With which allies do you form a special bond?
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
This decision will likely carry over to the next game if you import a save file.
- "The kingship and dwarves enjoy a long connection." - Iverlantho
- "Dara Happans are most like us." - Venef
- "Dragonewts are the least like us." - Erenlenth
- "I thought the idea of the Unity Battle is that we will be friends with everyone, and not have to choose."
- "The elves fed me when I would have starved." - if the elves shared their paste with the Sole Survivor during Dead World: Twisted Elves
- "I wonder if the dragonewts can teach us about the dragons?"
Unity Battle[]

“ | Together the gathered peoples of Dragon Pass shatter the Undead Army. Wakboth the Devil escapes but Storm Bull persues him, scraping him across the face of the earth and pinning him in a distant desert, beneath a giant block of stone. Chaos recedes. The ordinary life of mortals continue.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
This text can vary a great deal depending on several factors, most notably whether Venef was the Sole Survivor or not, or whether he is alive at all.
There is no advice given here.
Regardless of his identity, the new king will always end up being called Venef the Stallion.
A New Dawn[]

“ | Many years pass. Heroic actions of united peoples crush the presence of Chaos until it dwindles entirely. Venef the Stallion is still king<,and Sole Survivor still a hero wielding wondrous powers,> when the sun, the full glowing sun that Orlanth once slew, rises again into the sky once morning. It is Orlanth who carries him!
Though much remains to rebuild, people born in the age of Chaos have never experienced a time of so much fertility and joy. And they owe it all to the <Player Clan>s, and <Sole Survivor>, who rewove the dead world <so that <an Orlanthi hero/Heort> of the Sacred Mountain could triumph/and triumphed> in the I Fought, We Won battle, <and/so that> all could prevail in the Unity Battle. |
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
This text can vary a great deal depending on several factors, most notably whether Venef is alive or not, if the Sole Survivor met Heort inside the Dead World or not, and which gods died over the course of the game.
Reaching this screen, at least for the first time, is likely to earn you earn one, but possibly several, achievements.
There is no advice given here.