“ | Sereden, a carpenter of your clan, has of late gained a following among the youth. They watch his deft hands as he coaxes even the twisted timber available today to his will. As he works, he speaks in hushed tones of wisdom and bravery. Typical Orlanthi consider boasting a virtue, but Sereden never makes claims for himself. He asks for nothing, but his admirers say he should be <chieftain/elevated to the ring>. Though he never addresses the subject directly, from his odd sayings people assume he wants us to <bring back the days of kings/forget about kings and tribes/stop arguing about kings and tribes>.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you make a promise, Sereden's followers will certainly wish you to keep it. The same may or may not apply to the rest of the clan. Certainly, Iverlantho will not be happy if you intend to replace him as chieftain!
If you suggest he might join the ring the next time a vacancy occurs then that may be enough to placate his supporters, raising overall Mood. However, you're expected to honor this when the opportunity occurs.
Demand that he clarify his position on kings and tribes and he'll concede that finds both arguments destructive, hoping for harmony instead. Alternatively, he'll only provide obscure and difficult to understand answers. If so, the youth delight in these verbal games, but the rest of the clan grows frustrated with him and the council's inability to pin him down; Mood may suffer.
If you work to deflate his reputation, the ring's disapproval may only bolster his followers' belief in his words; mood may fall.
Doing nothing is a viable choice here.

Like the other introduction events for first-generation characters, this event usually happens early, but doesn't always.
Unlike the others, there's no opportunity to earn a treasure or longterm blessing.
If Sereden is using his elderly portrait by the time this event occurs, a variant illustration is used.
- "I am not asking to be chieftain, but if chosen, I will discharge my duties as best I can." - Sereden
- "Father still has much to teach the <Player Clan>." - Serestev
- "It’s like he’s speaking gibberish half the time." - Hanth or Hanvan
- "Does he recognize me as king? That is the important question." - Iverlantho
- "Let him on the ring when one of us dies." - if Sereden is not already part of the ring.
- "Shimmering words, like webs, gather dust." - Reda
- "I hope he's not priming our young warriors to go off uselessly hunting regalia." - realist ring-member
- "Woodworking is honest labor for a man. Women can't do it right." - misogynist ring member
- "I don't know what he's saying about Chaos, and that disturbs me." - Chaos-hating ring-member
- "Are we merely jealous of his popularity?"
- "Surely he supports the crown."
- "We should have discouraged this when it first started."
- "Orlanth’s carpenter was called Durev. Sereden has somehow gained a connection to this obscure, perhaps dead, deity. He’s not an initiate of any god, though."
- "With so many gods dead, it isn't that surprising that he doesn't regularly sacrifice to any of them. But we still need those that remain."
- "He's not an initiate, but he's not a spirit-talker either."
- "If the lore god Lhankor Mhy still lived, his priests could sort this out."
- "I don’t think he means to cause trouble, but his followers are another matter."
- "Nothing unusual about this."
- "Nothing to worry about."
- "Sereden answers to no one, and I don’t like that."
- "<Surely> he should do more carving and less talking."
- "Cults are for gods, not men."
- "Watch out for carpenters with big ideas."
- "If the lore god Lhankor Mhy still lived, his priests could sort this out."
- "I will get him to explain himself clearly for once."