Six Ages Wiki


Rodene, daughter of Reda, has grown into a capable adult. She takes after her mother, both in her persuasive talents and her ability to fight from horseback. Rodene was blessed by Redalda during her initiation ceremony. <And Son of Charandar, who returned from the Other Side with Reda, allows Rodene to ride him>. <Reda suggests/Her kinfolk propose> that the clan hold a contest of riding and shooting, inviting unmarried men and women from our neighbors, that Rodene may demonstrate her superiority, besting them all.
  1. Agree.
  2. Confine the contest to the clan only.
  3. Compose a poem in her honor.
  4. Equally celebrate all who have just passed into womanhood.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you agree, Rodene may indeed excel; if she does, the prize you offered stays within the clan; mood increases. If she fails, however, you will have to give the prize to the winning clan; mood decreases.

Regardless, Rodene will now appear in your noble pool. She has at least Excellent Diplomacy and Very Good Combat (Renowned and Excellent respectively if she rides Son of Charandar).


The text about Son of Charandar appears only if Reda is dead.

Erenlanth is extremely unlikely to be of age before Rodene, but he has advice in this scene.


  • "She will eclipse me, I am proud to say." - Reda
  • "She certainly out-rides me!" - Venef
  • "What a rider!" - Erenlanth
  • "Though young, she speaks elegantly on the glory of the crown." - Iverlantho, if Rodene supports the royalist faction
  • "She denies the glory of the crown, and warrants no favor from us." - Iverlantho, if Rodene supports the realist faction
  • "If only I could be the half the son to my father, as she is daughter to her mother." - Serestev
  • "How could you possibly question that, Serestev, my son?" - Sereden
  • "She rides boldly but places too much faith in talk." - Korestene
  • "I can help with a poem." - Hanth
  • "Her riding disturbs the game." - Hanvan
  • "Eurmal changes back and forth between man and woman as needed—quite different from Rodene’s situation." - Trickster
  • "She has always been sure of herself."
  • "She will ride against competitors of similar age. She might well win, but it is no sure thing."
  • "If she wins, other clans will hesitate to cross us."
  • "The appearance of Redalda in an initiation rite is rare, and not to be disregarded."
  • "Rodene came into the world with a horse birthmark at the base of her spine."
  • "Redalda made Beren great."
  • "Gods are dead and no longer appear at initiations. It is only priestesses, wearing masks."
  • "A poem might draw comparisons between her and Redalda. I can suggest several."
  • "Victory will do more for morale than a poem."
  • "She is good, but others are better."
  • "No one can beat her."