Six Ages Wiki


Korestene, chosen as a child by Humakt Death-Dealer, has grown into a capable woman. As expected she initiated into the Sword God’s cult. She wishes to mark her final passage from hearth and kinship to maker of carrion by recapitulating a mission of her aunt Kerenna. She will slay the <Skull Clan> chieftain, who continues a tradition of offenses against Humakt begun by <Former Skull Chief>, slain by Kerenna.
  1. Wish her well.
  2. Send an escort.
  3. “Make it clear it is Humakt you kill for.”
  4. Dissuade her.
  5. Forbid this.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


As with Kerenna, if Korestene succeeds in her sacred mission, she will gain a level of Combat skill. This usually makes her Renowned, occasionally Heroic.

However, unlike Kerenna, Korestene can fail in her quest—perhaps even die. And of course, you will damage your reputation with a neighbor if you let her go. Even if you ask her to make it clear she does this on behalf of Humakt and not her clan, your neighbors may not be in the mood to hear it. However, they might instead seem to acknowledge this without a reputation loss.

If you chose to honor the Rider virtue of boldness during the clan creation and elected to wish Korestene well on her quest, then your Rider ancestors—though they themselves never worshiped Humakt—may praise Korestene for her boldness and bring cheers to your clan's priests.

If Korestene survives this event, she will appear in your pool of leaders. She is 17 years old, and shares her aunt Kerenna's portrait set.


This event can be foreshadowed in a couple different ways:

My young niece Korestene has heard the song of the carrion birds and may have been chosen by my god, Humakt Death-Dealer. Her parents naturally wish to turn her from this difficult path. Yet the girl is Humakt’s to take should he deem her worthy. I will neither encourage or discourage her, but will guide her as the Sword God wills. Because we accept the dark with the light, this sign of favor grants us magic.


If Kerenna is dead, this message is given instead:

One of our young girls, Korestene, heard carrion birds sing to her. “You will travel in the footsteps of your dead aunt, Kerenna,” they say. Her parents lament; they do not wish her to abandon them for Humakt Death-Dealer. Yet this will happen, as sure as harvest follows planting. When she is of age, she will serve the Sword God.


  • "Does she support the crown?" - Iverlantho
  • "I find her confidence both bracing and chilling." - Venef
  • "Why didn’t I think of such a mission?" - Erenlanth"
  • "Of course she is only 17, and not as able as me when I did this. But the god calls her, and I have prepared her well." - Kerenna
  • "When Korestene wants something, stay out of her way." - Doresa
  • "To honor an elder is one thing, but unquestioningly?" - Serestev
  • "Hunters kill so that we may live. She would kill for killing’s sake." - Hanvan
  • "Kerenna is as good a trainer as we have." - Reda
  • "I get along with her better than most, but that is no reason to murder a neighbor." - Rodene
  • "Humakt renounced his kinship with Orlanth to wield his blade impartially." - Orlanth devotee
  • "They profane the dead, but it's not like the <Skull Clan>a ally themselves with Chaos." - Chaos-hating ring member
  • "She is good, but still a youth. Do not expect the same victory Kerenna won."
  • "We are allied with the <Skull Clan>. Killing their chieftain will end our friendship."
  • "Humakt returned to court after slaying an enemy. The dead for, waiting at the fortress gate, said, 'Vivamort sent me.'"
  • "Our Rider ancestors don't care about Humakt but still cry out for action."
  • "We can't go around killing neighbors for no reason."
  • "When she spills blood we must accept the results."
  • "Even death may die."
  • "She wants to do this by herself."
  • "Their chieftain surely deserves it."