Six Ages Wiki


Sereden's stumbling journey through the divine realm leads him to Orlanthstead. Though he saw the home of the gods explode, before him lies Orlanth's fortress, beset by Chaos but still standing. On its wall stands the sun god Elmal, ichor-spattered shield held aloft. "Make your petition, and quickly depart," says the Guardian Sun. "For you have entered a place of danger." What does Sereden ask for?
  1. Light to see by.
  2. The capacity to defend a fallen stead.
  3. The capacity to fight.
  4. The capacity to lead.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you ask for light to see by, Elmal will quickly grant this.

If you ask for the capacity to defend a fallen stead, Elmal will grant this too.

If you ask for the capacity to lead, Sereden's Leadership skill will rise.

Sereden then heeds his advise and quickly depart from Orlanthstead. He is soon pursued by Chaos monsters, with the choice of escaping "Toward the present" or "Deeper into the past."

If you choose to head toward the present he may arrive into the royal hall of Berenstead, staggered. Sereden then tells the clan of what he's witnessed and the capabilities he has gained. If you head deeper into the past, however, he may end up witnessing Berenstead's construction instead.


This event can happen with Sereden's son, Serestev, also.


  • "Is a choice bad because it is obvious?" - Sereden/Serestev