Six Ages Wiki


<Their leader, Guranath, accepted the invitation. They shared their oddly flavored kumis with us, and we showed them how it tasted when made properly./They accepted these graciously.> Guranath said they had found few friends among our people, and would remember us fondly in their clan saga. Little did we suspect that this small deed would be the only one to live on past us.

Over the next decades, the migrants prospered in the valley. In time, the <Ram Host Clan> came to think of themselves as Orgovaltes too. Other Ram clans learned to ride from them. As dark times grew darker still, the Hyaloring clans dwindled. The Orgovaltes showed us how to intermarry with them, so that the resulting children would not be born evil. But they were born Orgovaltes people, and so our clan faded away. As starvation gripped the entire valley, our descendants, who had forgotten our ways, dismantled our story tent to trade its treasures for scraps of food.

— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


The text varies depending on whether you welcomed the Orgovaltes with gifts or a feast.

Your game has ended in a loss. (But at least you get an achievement out of it!)


If you attacked the Orgovaltes instead, you will instead experience Loss: Orgovaltes War.
