Kumis, or fermented mare's milk, is the main alcoholic beverage of the Riders. At least by the time of the Chaos Age, Wheels drink kumis too.
A few clans can also brew beer due to their worship of Narva, and the Rams make ale instead.
Ride Like the Wind[]
Kumis first appears in Ride Like the Wind.
Gamari's Kumis blessing helps Mood by producing more kumis.
Lights Going Out[]
By the time of Lights Going Out, your clan have been Rams since generations back, and have given up kumis in favor of ale instead. By the time of the Chaos Age, though, with the gods of ale and wine dead, your clan has a difficult time easing their worries. However, should you choose to adopt some Rider Refugees, you may receive the following bit of text:
“ | The Rider refugees we adopted a while ago have reminded us how to make kumis, a drink made by fermented horse milk. The beer and wine gods are long dead, but now we can get drunk again. The people are glad. | ” |
— Six Ages: Lights Going Out |
Mood will then improve.