Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki

Korestene is a member of the Berenethtelli royal clan. She is Kerenna's niece and, like her aunt, is a powerful warrior devoted to Humakt. If both of them survive long enough, she will likely come to admire Erenlanth and act as sort of mentor to him.

Lights Going Out[]

Korestene is a set character that always appears in a game of Lights Going Out. Korestene shares an otherwise unique portrait set with her aunt, Kerenna.


The clan ring has the following to say about Korestene:

  • "She is good, but still a youth. Do not expect the same victory Kerenna won."
  • "Of course, she is only 17, and not as able as me when I did this. But the god calls her and I have prepared her well." - Kerenna
  • "I find her confidence both bracing and chilling." - Venef
  • "When Korestene wants something, stay out of her way."
  • "Hunters kill so that we may live. She would kill for killing’s sake."

Skills & Religion[]

Like her aunt and mentor, Korestene is a fearsome Humakti warrior.


Before her formal introduction, a clan member will mention that Humakt has called Korestene. There are two versions of this announcement: one given by Kerenna, another by any clan member if Kerenna is dead.

My young niece Korestene has heard the song of the carrion birds and may have been chosen by my god, Humakt Death-Dealer. Her parents naturally wish to turn her from this difficult path. Yet the girl is Humakt’s to take should he deem her worthy. I will neither encourage or discourage her, but will guide her as the Sword God wills. Because we accept the dark with the light, this sign of favor grants us magic.


One of our young girls, Korestene, heard carrion birds sing to her. “You will travel in the footsteps of your dead aunt, Kerenna,” they say. Her parents lament; they do not wish her to abandon them for Humakt Death-Dealer. Yet this will happen, as sure as harvest follows planting. When she is of age, she will serve the Sword God.


Korestene appears or is mentioned in the following events:

She often fulfills the role of her aunt, Kerenna, in events where she would otherwise feature, but is for some reason unavailable.

