“ | <Kinslayer>, one of your farmers, is caught <beating/bludgeoning> his brother to death with a log. Murder of kinfolk is the worst crime in your society, one that grants power to Chaos. <Kinslayer> professes no memory or knowledge of the attack. When he sees <brother>'s body, he breaks down weeping. "I would never have done this willingly!" he says. "I was possessed by Chaos spirits." <Kinslayer>'s fellow <royalists/realists/anti-royalists> tend to believe him, while the <doubters/royalists>, who dislike him, accuse him of lying.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you call on owl spirits, they may assert that Chaos spirits do indeed surround him. The remaining options are again selectable.
If you call on Urox to scourge the Chaos from him, select a sacrifice. An accepted sacrifice may have the Storm Bull devotees verify he's (now) purified of Chaos. Possible Mood increase. Guilt or innocence remain to be determined.
If you declare him innocent, Mood may increase if the majority faction accepts this as true. Critics may accuse the ring of putting politics above justice, even if he was purified of Chaos, citing that he'll still be seen as a kinslayer. Also, if you didn't scourge him of Chaos already, the critics may point out he is still infected by it, if he was telling the truth at all.
If you outlaw him after the owl spirits declared him guilty, his faction can do nothing but accept the decision. Mood may still drop, however. You also lose 1 Population.
- "If <Kinslayer> says he was possessed by Chaos, he was possessed by Chaos." - Iverlantho (if kinslayer was royalist?)
- "We can't allow factional disputes to deter us from the truth." - Venef
- "If we don't deal with kinstrife, other clans will find out." - Reda
- "It can't have been Chaos spirits." - Dresta/Shaman, alternate
- "If he is telling the truth, and we can't scourge him of Chaos, we must still outlaw him." - Lhankor Mhy devotee/Lore expert
- "<Kinslayer> once said he would trash me if I kept insulting the regalia." - Realist ring-member if the kinslayer was a royalist
- "<Kinslayer> has made many strong arguments against another regalia hunt."
- "'I am full of Chaos spirits' is not what I call a declaration of innocence."
- "<Kinslayer> has long been a viper in our midst."
- "<Kinslayer> and his brother <Brother> were good workers, except for their constant bickering."
- "I never heard the brothers exchange a harsh word."
- "He couldn't have done something like this without external influence."
- "When kinstrife started, lesser earth goddesses sought asylum with Ty Kora Tek, Guardian of the Grave."
- "Beren would determine guilt or innocence before deciding."
- "I never heard the brothers exchange a harsh word."
- "Kinstrife!"
- "It's Chaos all right."
- "He's lying."