Kestaytelli is the name used by the Infithtelli to refer to the assortment of Ram clans that moved into the Black Eel Valley shortly after the Riders did. It is unknown if the Kestaytelli use the name to refer to themselves as well. All of the Kestaytelli clans settled in the southern part of the valley, on the opposite side of the Black Eel River from their Rider neighbors. Some even settled on the other side of the Oslira River.
The Kestaytelli used to be a part of the Infithtelli tribe, but split from them sometime in the past. How long ago is unknown, but it is likely generations before settling in the Black Eel valley, as the Kestaytelli's ancestral spirits take offense to them giving in to their Infithtelli cousins. It is unknown what caused the split, but it left the two groups with an antagonistic relationship towards each other. It is possible that the division is somehow related to Porscriptor, the founder of the Infithtelli tribe, who the Kestaytelli claims was a cannibal, which the Infithtelli in turn maintains is a malicious lie.
Unlike their kin down in the southern kingdoms, the Kestaytelli are not part of an organized tribe and do not have a king to unify them. Instead, they act as an assortment of individual clans that only occasionally cooperate for their mutual benefit. They also do not keep animals for which they use in battle, unlike the Rams in the southern kingdoms.
This state of affairs comes to an end when the marriage of Redalda—a Kestaytelli priestess of Ernalda with a mystical connection to the Rams' semi-divine founder, Vingkot—and Beren—a Hyaloring warrior descended from the sun-god Elmal—merged their respective clans. Together, they would combine their magics of horse-riding and storm to unite the Kestaytelli clans under their leadership, forming the Berenethtelli tribe.
Ride Like the Wind[]
The game always feature seven Ram clans in the valley. Unless their lands border yours, the will not immediately appear on the map. Only a couple years into the game will all the Ram valley clans be revealed.
About the Kestaytelli, and not Rams in general, the clan council have this to say:
- "Someday we must learn the story of why our local Rams have no king."
- "I wonder if they are planning to form a kingdom?"
- "The Rams of the valley have no king, but other Rams do."
- "One day they will learn to ride. When that change comes, we must be on the right side of it. But the time has not yet come."
- "Together, we and the Rams can forge a future free from darkness."
The Kestaytelli appear often in Ride Like The Wind, but the following events are notable:
In Battle[]
In battle, the Kestaytelli function much like other Rams, see here.