Six Ages Wiki


Your Humakti death-dealer, Kerenna, takes offense at words spoken by friends of the king. According to their whispers she too often goes off on her own and does what she wants, without consulting the ring. "To demonstrate why I do what I do," she retorts, "I will enact the Call of the Undead. The foes of my god shall come to our lands, and I shall slay them systematically."
  1. Support Kerenna with a sacrifice to Humakt.
  2. Have the king toast her in Beren's hall.
  3. “Pay no heed to wagging tongues.”
  4. "Consider the danger to the rest of us."
  5. Neither encourage nor impede this.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you support Kerenna with a sacrifice to Humakt, a successful sacrifice will be received, according to our death cultists, and more undead will come than Kerenna doing the rite on her own, and Kerenna will be strengthened against them when the time comes.

If you have the king toast her in Beren's hall, then the people may be glad to see the king renounce the whispers against Kerenna. She says the king's support will give people courage when the undead comes.

If Kerenna makes her call, she will refuse to leave Berenstead until the event chain reaches its conclusion, since she needs to be ready for when the undead arrive.


This event can happen to Kerenna's niece, Korestene, also. Depending on Kerenna's or Korestene's exact age, three different variants of the illustration may be used.


  • "By systematically slaughtering the undead I shall reduce their local numbers." - Kerenna/Korestene
  • "No mere Sword shall eclipse the king." - Iverlantho
  • "Reducing local undead will endear us to our neighbors." - Reda/Rodene
  • "Innocents will die." - Chalana Arroy devotee
  • "Call the undead? Why didn't we think that?" - Eurmal trickster
  • "A toast will garner respect for her, and for <the King>."
  • "The undead won't succeed in killing her. They may pick off a few of us."
  • "I ignore what fools say about me, and she should do the same."
  • "I agree with the complaints about her."
  • "I may have said a few things about her myself."
  • "She does act on her own much."
  • "Humakt teaches implacability."
  • "Call the undead, with our walls in this state? Madness!"
  • "She has a point."
  • "If war must be waged, let it happen far away."