Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


Your warrior Kerenna approaches Sereden,< a charismatic carver of your clan who shares curious ideas with a coterie of young followers>. "The other day, I overheard you say that death is perhaps the greatest illusion of all. I seek to disprove this with the aid of my fellow Humakti, <Name>. I cannot strike you with my sword, for that would be kinstrife. However, nothing prevents <Name> from challenging you to a duel to the death. I trust you will stand with your convictions and comply, Sereden.
  1. Admonish Kerenna for striking fear into the clan.
  2. Disallow the duel.
  3. Goad Sereden into accepting.
  4. Keep council out of this.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you admonish Kerenna for striking fear into the clan, she may admit her joke went too far. Some even say they see her smile. Since this is as much of an apology anyone is likely to get from her, the people is relieved and Mood improves.

If you disallow the duel, the people may think you did the right thing, raising the Mood. Alternatively, the people may think you did not take a firm enough hand against Kerenna, lowering Mood instead.


This event can presumably happen with Sereden's son, Serestev, and Kerenna's niece, Korestene, as well.

The illustration used by this event will reflect the ages of the characters involved.


  • "I did not say death was an illusion, I asked if it was." - Sereden
  • "We all owe <Name> thanks for coming all this way." - Kerenna
  • "A gross usurpation of authority." - Iverlantho
  • "This is a matter between Humakti, I doubt <Name>'s clan sent him." - Reda/Diplomat
  • "Kill one rabbit, another takes its place." - Hanth/Dostal devotee
  • "This will spiral out of control." - Dresta
  • "Don't let them fight." - Chalana Arroy devotee
  • "When Orlanth needed Death, Humakt was there to hand it to him." - Orlanth devotee
  • "Our prohibition against kinstrife forbids Kerenna from directly raising a hand against a clan mate. Even though she is Humakti, she is still a <Player Clan>." - Lhankor Mhy devotee/Lore expert
  • "Good for her. Men are always running their mouths." - Misandrist ring member
  • "Have <Name> kill a Wheel instead." - Wheel-hating ring member
  • "People don't want to see Sereden killed. Or Kerenna humbled."
  • "Why would Sereden succumb to pressure to fight? We'll make fools of ourselves if we try."
  • "Harsh!"
  • "I can't see Sereden surviving a duel against a dedicated warrior."
  • "Words not backed by swords mean nothing."