Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


“You shall die,” <Kerenna/Korestene> suddenly tells Iverlantho, to the consternation of other leaders gathered in the royal hall. “The death rune’s shadow has fallen upon you, an unmistakable omen of imminent demise. I can grant you the blessing of a sword blow so sudden you will feel no pain. Otherwise you will waste and painfully expire, causing sorrow to those who survive you. It would be best to do it now, before you have too much time to think about it.” Iverlantho responds with shock and anger. “I am entirely healthy, and your rightful king! I demand that the clan ring censure you for this treasonous utterance!”
  1. Censure <Kerenna/Korestene>.
  2. Convince <Kerenna/Korestene> to reconsider the omen’s meaning.
  3. Convince Iverlantho to accept his fate.
  4. Call on Chalana Arroy to save the king’s life.
  5. Leave it be.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


At start of event, mood goes down.

The Humakti may or may not be correct about the omen of death.

If you call on Chalana Arroy, she may find the doomspot on the king's soul and heal it, preventing the foretold death omen. Mood likely to improve.


This event can star Korestene if Iverlantho survives long enough, but typically involves Kerenna.

Alternate pictures may be used depending on the age of the two characters.


  • "For an offense against the royal person, censure should be merely the first step." - Iverlantho
  • "Every king who succeeds his father accepts the crown in mourning." - Venef
  • "Cheer up, grandfather. You aren’t dead yet." - Erenlanth, if Iverlantho is on the ring
  • "Grandfather still has plenty of life left in him." - Erenlanth, otherwise
  • "Did you expect me to remain silent about this?" - Kerenna or Korestene, whichever one saw the omen.
  • "My aunt could not be mistaken, so the king had best prepare for his mortal end." - Korestene, if it was Kerenna who saw the omen.
  • "Take mercy on yourself, Iverlantho, and savor your final days." - Any other Humakti
  • "We can heal the fatal wound before it is dealt." - Chalana Arroy worshipper
  • "Kerenna must learn mercy." - Chalana Arroy worshipper, alternate
  • "I saw the omen too."
  • "Humakt would not be wrong, but a follower of Humakt could be."
  • "When <Kerenna/Korestene> decides a thing, she does not waste time doubting herself."
  • "After he croaks, let’s have a queen."
  • "<Kerenna/Korestene> must learn mercy."
  • "The old crow won’t die that easy."
  • "All of us stand in the shadow of death."
  • "We can afford to draw a little extra strength from our Chalana Arroy shrine."
  • "Shield the king." - Non-royal Elmal worshipper
  • "Ha! This will scare Iverlantho to death." - Eurmal trickster
  • "<Kerenna/Korestene> has laid a curse on you, Iverlantho. How do you feel about that?" - Trickster, if Iverlantho is on the ring.
  • "Humakt severed family ties to tell harsh truths." - Orlanth worshipper
  • "It would be foolish to censure a devotee of Truth and Death for telling the truth about a death."
  • "What has this to do with us?"
  • "The people side with <Kerenna/Korestene>."