Six Ages Wiki


While exploring the land between the valley and the Imther mountains, <Explorer> and company emerged from a strangled wood to see Chaos mutants attacking a small group of Jajalarings. These wandering outlanders hunt with dogs and worship the canine death god Jajagappa.
  1. Attack the mutants.
  2. Support the Jajalarings with arrow fire.
  3. Vex the mutants with befuddling magic.
  4. Wait till one side prevails, then attack the weakened survivors.
  5. Stay out of it.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you attack the mutants, you will most likely win. Though you might take a few casualties, the Jajalarings will reward you with a treasure, an amulet called the Bone-Chewing Dog, which grants magic after a successful skirmish against undead. Mood likely improves.


  • "The power of their god, the Death Dog, keeps them alive in these desperate times." - Kerenna/Humakt devotee
  • "I am adept with arrows." - Osara devotee
  • "I seek maximum gain for minimum risk."
  • "We must think of outsiders as kin."
  • "We owe them nothing."