The Jajalarings is a wandering people concentrated around a region between the Black Eel valley and the Imther Mountains. They worship Jajagappa, a canine death god, and sometimes the Jajalarings trek into the valley to offer their services as hunters of the undead for the people living there in exchange for goods. The Jajalarings differ from the locals in many ways: they keep dogs, hunt using nets, and don't keep cattle.
The Weeders accuse Jajalarings of engaging in human sacrifice.
Lights Going Out[]
Jajalarings first appear in Lights Going Out.
About the Jajalarings, your clan ring has the following to say:
- "Their powers come from Jajagappa, who hunts stray undead with a net."
- "Their god may not be as big as Humakt, but his might against the undead is real."
- "Kings do not dicker with dog people."
- "The power of the [Jajalarings'] death god, the Death Dog, keeps them alive in these desperate times."
- "I sense power in those nets of theirs. The rite they propose will not fail."
The Jajalarings appear in the following events:
Compare Jajalorings or Jajagappa of future Glorantha. See also the Votanki dog people of the Storm Age.