Six Ages Wiki

Jajagappa is a canine death god worshiped by the Jajalarings. It is said he fights evil in the sky and his blessing grants his followers strength against the undead.

Lights Going Out[]

Jajagappa first appears in Lights Going Out.


About Jajagappa, your clan ring has the following to say:

  • "Their powers come from Jajagappa, who hunts stray undead with a net."
  • "Their god may not be as big as Humakt, but his might against the undead is real."
  • "Other gods possess pieces of Death, thanks to the crimes of Orlanth."
  • "The power of the [Jajalarings'] death god, the Death Dog, keeps them alive in these desperate times."
  • "Humakt is the most important death god, but he bears no ill will toward this wandering canine deity."

Myth & Rituals[]

He is briefly mentioned in the myth Humakt Divides Life from Death as one of the outlander gods who picked up small pieces of the sword of Death.

Other Stories[]

For more on Jajagappa, read his entry on the Glorantha wiki.
