“ | Iverlantho, heir to the royal lineage that began with Beren and Redalda, who forever changed your clan and then made it the center of a tribe, raises the subject of his birthright. "I am the king of the Beren Tribe. I should be chieftain. Yet you treat my position as symbolic only.< I am not even on the ring.> This is why we, and all who live in Berenstead's shadow, have been cursed with one doom after another. To survive, you must acknowledge my royal status, and make me clan chief."
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you gently dissuade him from persuing this now, he may agree to wait until the time is right, increasing Mood.
If you promise to do this after the lost royal regalia of your tribe is found, you are then asked if you seek the royal regalia: "Yes" or "No". If you choose "Yes" then you are further asked how: "Ask sages to learn more," or "Send out an expedition." If you choose "Ask sages to learn more," then they promise to do so, though the ring believe they will take the task more seriously if Iverlantho is made chieftain. If your clan is not of a royalist disposition, then they may be happy the ring did not press this further, and Mood improves.
If you decide to show this old relic who's in charge, then the harshness may shock your people; as heir to Beren and Redalda, he has the right to raise the issue. If so, Mood goes down. Alternatively, the people may be happy to see the chief stand up to Iverlantho, in which case Mood improves instead.

If Iverlantho is elderly, the illustration will reflect that.
- "Redalda used a treasure given to her by Vingkot as part of her husband Beren's coronation regalia." - Redalda devotee
- "If the other clans of what used to be our tribe wanted Iverlantho as king, they would come and beseech us." - Reda/Diplomat
- "Is he the best shepherd of our people? I mean that poetically of course, though a literal shepherd would also be good." - Voriof devotee
- "I offer to step down immediately, in favor of our true-blooded king." - Royalist chieftain
- "Our tribe was made by the power of women--yet Redalda gave in and allowed only men to rule." - Misandrist ring member
- "Though first born male of Beren's bloodline, Iverlantho has not undergone the full coronation rite. This would require three royal treasures, lost in King Vinglanth's final battle." - Lhankor Mhy devotee/Lore expert
- "I do not see how this would lead to bold action."
- "We must cure the poor fool of his delusions."
- "The lost regalia consists of the Horn of Vingkot, the Cloak of Redalda, and the Crown of Beren--now likely seperated."
- "I do not see how this would lead to bold action."