Six Ages Wiki


A delegation from the <Local Ram> clan, Rams who are as well-disposed toward you as any of their kind, requests your participation in a raid against one of the kingdoms to the south. The Infithtelli have captured one of their trading parties. “They have had a grudge against us ever since we split from them to settle here. Our party was skirting their lands on the way to a different kingdom when the Infithtelli kidnapped them. To give in to their demands would offend our ancestral spirits.”
  1. Send warriors.
  2. Offer equipment.
  3. Offer them a spirit blessing.
  4. Offer them the blessings of your war god, Elmal.
  5. Decline to take part.

— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind



The text for this event changes a bit if the <Local Ram> are your allies.

Option #2 will not appear if you are low on trade goods.
