Six Ages Wiki


Exploring the Orlanthi kingdom of Infithan, to the southeast of Berenstead, <Explorer> and company find it heavily devastated. They see mostly corpses, some of them still walking. They manage to avoid most of them, until they come upon a dead Infithtelli noble riding a dead mammoth, crushing a settlement. <Explorer> hears cries of terror coming from the house it is currently smashing.
  1. Attack
  2. Call on Humakt to smite it.
  3. Concentrate arrow fire on its rider.
  4. Get out of there.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you attack and are successful, you may lose some of your company, but be rewarded by the Infithtelli you saved. This reward may be the treasure Tusk of Infithan, one of the Four Kingdoms treasures, which aid you in combat fought outside the valley. If you fail, however, you will be unable to save the people in danger, and you will likely have lost people with nothing to show for it.

If you call on Humakt to smite it, then you may receive no response, Humakt expecting you to use your swords to combat the undead, and you will have to choose from one of the other options.

If you concentrate arrow fire on the mammoth's rider, then it's likely to be ineffective, the rider already being dead and all. You will have to choose from one of the remaining options.


  • "I saw one of these creatures while I was growing up—alive, not as an undead horror." - Returner
  • "We can't let those people die."
  • "Nontraya, Wakboth's general, gather's his Undead Army here."