Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


A desperate group of people, about a dozen in all, arrive starving and wounded on the outskirts of your lands. They speak an archaic version of your language. If their story is to be believed, they fled Orlentos, one of the cities under the vast imperial dome. "Trolls tunneled up from below. They took us, and more besides, as food. We escaped, and have been moving south in search of a safe place to live. We are exhausted and can go no further. Will you help us?"
  1. Heal and feed them, as short-term guests.
  2. Heal, feed, and re-equip them for further journey.
  3. Let them stay as long-term guests.
  4. Pelt them with rocks and cow dung.
  5. Send them on their way.

— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Letting them stay - Can boost your population and result in a change Mood, depending on how your clan reacts to them joining.

If your Ancestral Enemy are the Dara Happans...

and you adopt them, you can end up with Unhappy Ancestors for the rest of the game. (Even if you switch ancestral enemy) If you pelt them with rocks and cow dung you can make your ancestors happy. However, your living clan members might not approve.


  • "The people is not in a mood for generosity, but will be true to their ancestors."
  • "'The fale sun filled the sky, but so did our arrows, our arrows.'"
  • "Dara Happans might worship a false sun, but our ancestors adopted <farmers/goat herders> without worrying about who they worshiped."
  • "The people will be happy to be as generous as their ancestors."
  • "I don't see how they got this far without visible means of defense."
  • "They're weak now, but if they got all this way and still live, some might fight well for us."
  • "We must do our utmost for them."
  • "Together we will grow stronger."
  • "If we take them in, they'll grow strong and help us fight the Ram."
  • "Ask them what gods they saw on their journey south."
  • "Hyalor said, 'Contain your droppings.' Raven said, 'I know what you want and cannot admit to.'" - Raven trickster