Six Ages Wiki

Ice demons, or frost demons, are creatures of ice and cold, associated with the ice god Valind and the glacier. They cause trouble for humans at large, but are special enemies of the Agimori. They are known to take humans as slaves.

Ride Like the Wind[]

Ice demons first appear in Ride Like the Wind.


An ice demon, captured by a group of Agimori, appears in the Ride Like the Wind event Agimori Visit.

They are also mentioned as possible culprits of the Frosty Footprints. Furthermore, they are possibly brought up as interchangeable enemies in the events Gamari Temple Request and Mass Ritual Request.

Lights Going Out[]

In Lights Going Out, ice demons make a return, though it is said that they have grown weaker since the destruction of the great glacier.

Still, your foragers may return the following after a mission:

Our foraging trip to the <direction> was caught in the open by an unseasonable snow storm. We made camp, though our fire kept blowing out. When I woke up after the long night, I was the only one there. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I saw tracks where ice demons dragged off some of my escort. I had to dig out the horses. All but one had frozen to death. I'm sorry I couldn't bring back any food.


An errant Berenethtelli clan that has taken up Valind worship tries to extort you with threats of ice demons in the Lights Going Out event Ice Demon Demand.

The Vadrudi in Vadrudi Encounter also mentions selling slaves to the ice demons.

Other Stories[]

In King of Dragon Pass, they are sometimes referred to as Hollri, and you can read about them here.

You can also read more about them on the Glorantha wiki here.
