Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


One of your clan members, <X> of the <Y> family, brings an honor belt, festooned in gold plaques, to show the council. <He/She> spotted bandits prowling the family pastures and scared them off. They must have dropped the belt while fleeing. Your traders recognize designs belonging to the <Z> clan. The plaques are worth around 20 cows, more than most such belts. Judging from that, it probably belongs to a senior noble.
  1. Distribute the plaques between each of the seven families.
  2. Let <X>’s family keep the belt.
  3. Offer to trade the belt to the <Z> clan.
  4. Return the belt to the <Z> clan.
  5. Set it aside for the council’s use."

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Distributing the plaques will usually annoy the <Y> but please the rest of the families, leading to a net increase in Mood. However, sometimes the clan is just annoyed by this breach of tradition.

Obviously, the <Y> will be pleased if you let them keep the belt. Other families, however, may have hoped the council would breach tradition this one time, even though they will not say so. If so, Mood goes down.

Returning the belt will please the <Z> clan.

Finally, setting it aside for the council's use will increase Goods.


<X> can be a noble from your pool of leaders, or even a Clan Circle member.


  • "A good trade now breeds better ones in the future." - Ekarna worshiper
  • "Gold is in short supply; all of us could use a share." - if low on goods
  • "Since the Far Traveling generation, <Z>s have been sharp minded."
  • "Since the Rekindling generation, <Z>s have been rigid in their beliefs."
  • "No matter who controls the wealth, it is ultimately at the disposal of the clan."
  • "All clan wealth ultimately belongs to the clan and will stay within the clan. That doesn't stop families from caring about who gets what."
  • "With all the gold in that belt, it is enough to make everyone happy."
  • "Returning it without expectation of reward reaps the greatest diplomatic benefits."
  • "Tradition says <X>'s family gets to keep it."
  • "If all get a share, all can trade for goats." - Goat-loving council member