Wheel nobles driving into battle.
These situations occur when you raid or are raided by your Samnali cousins, including the Northern Wheels of Naztalvan.
Ride Like the Wind[]
Erildar Mercy Petition[]
“ | <Hero> topples <Enemy Chief>, the <Enemy> chieftain, from his chariot, badly wounding him. A cart decked out in the insignia of their healer god, Erildar, rumbles toward him. <Erildar is a son of Erissa, but does not show proper respect to his mother. So your priestesses do not always respect him./Erildar is a son of Erissa. The priestesses say all healing gods should be respected, even one in league with the cruel Wheel god, Samnal.> The Wheel high priest demands that <Hero> withdraw, so that the Great and Noble <Enemy Chief> should receive the healing that is due to him. How does <Hero> respond?
” |
As with other similar events, a truce can let both clans regroup, meaning that whoever was winning the battle loses their advantage. It can also, sometimes, earn the other clan's respect.
The dialogue here varies—the Wheel priests aren't always quite so spectacularly arrogant.
Samnal Blesses Chariots[]
“ | Wheel nobles strike ritual poses on their rattling death carts. <Hero> feels a rumbling in <his/her> bones. The chariots radiate the dread blessing of the Wheel god Samnal, striking fear into the hearts of your warriors. If left unchecked this magic will take a terrible toll on your side. How does <Hero> respond? | ” |
If the hero succeeds at either of the last two options, they will be better at such daring, warlike stunts in the near future. This may translate into a bonus vs your next few Stunt tests.
This event has Rider and Ram counterparts: Rider Hero, Flying Orlanthi Hero, and Berserker.
Samnal's Monstrous Chariot[]
“ | Your warriors gawp in disbelief as a shining conveyance, lacking both horse team and rider, rattles by itself onto the battlefield. Behind it stand a coterie of Elmal priests, singing in the old imperial style. It darts your way with shocking speed, radiating shimmering heat. It blasts your warriors with searing rays of solar force. It's closest to <Hero>. How does <he/she> react?
” |
Attacking the priests can often work, taking the cart out of this battle. But it will be back...
Attacking the cart like a monstrous beast will generally kill your hero, though they may take the cart out with them.
Calling on the gods in the midst of battle is always chancy.
Attacking en masse can work.
If you mercilessly and persistently raid a single Wheel clan, they will eventually drive into the Gods War for a Samnal rite, earning this self-driving chariot. This is one of the reasons not to pick a single target like that!
Wheels Injure Warleader[]
“ | A trio of Wheel nobles overpower your war leader, <Warleader>, gouging out <his/her> eyes. How does <Healer>, who wields the healing magic of Erissa and stands on the periphery of the battle among the auxiliaries, react?
” |
If the healer fails, the wheels may slay your warleader, or let them live blinded as a ritual shaming. This latter is actually a workable outcome: while your warleader is wounded (sepia portrait, unable to act or give useful advice) while blinded, and this injury will not heal naturally, you can sacrifice to Erissa for healing on the Magic screen for healing, and she can take care of the problem.
Take no action may actually be safe for that reason—you can always heal the warleader later. Other actions may provoke the Wheels to kill your warleader now.
If you threaten a cow curse, you'll have the option of following through on it or not.
The wounding scenario can vary a bit.
Lights Going Out[]
Allies Special Chariot[]
“ | Your <Wheels> clan allies trundle a once famed magical weapon onto the battlefield. They conduct a rite to summon the enemy-slaying power of the sun into this special chariot. These devices have grown less reliable since Chaos clouds choked the sky. When the <Wheels> complete their chant, the cart explode into flames, showering burning debris on their best warriors and magicians. <Hero> is closest to the conflagration.
” |
If you try to use the distraction to attack the enemy clan, then it risks failing, and they defend fiercely despite the distraction, suffering no casualites.
The special chariot may be the same device as the one in Samnal's Monstrous Chariot combat event from Ride Like the Wind.
Elmali Warrior Glare[]
“ | A bright light shines from the enemy ranks to pin <Hero> in its glare. It radiates from the sword and shield of a steadfast Elmali warrior, who strides toward him, intent in single combat.
” |
If you try to dim his light with fury, the hero may bash the Elmali warriors shield. However, the warrior may strike the hero at an opportune moment. If so, the hero is wounded and taken out of the remainder of the battle.
If you try and dim his light with storm and fail, the hero may die. The enemy clan will later compose a poem to the hero's dedication to a dying tradition. If they succeed, however, a blow from your hero will slay the Elmali champion on the spot. The enemy troops will fall into disorder and many will perish. The enemy clan will fear you more and, after the battle, you may be told that your hero learned tricks that will help him in future one-on-one duels.
If you meet radiance with radiance, Elmal may favor the enemy champion that day, who gets in a fortunate shot, wounding your hero.
If you successfully try to avoid the solar hero, then the hero will escape their would-be slayer. If the hero's skills are not combat, the people may be happy to see them escape, raising Mood. However, the enemy will tak heart seeing an opposing hero take flight, cuasing the battle to lean slightly more their way.
This combat encounter can happen with Riders also, see Heroic Combat: Riders.
Magic Arrows Trick[]
“ | Pressing an apparent advantage, <Hero> leads your forces toward the foe. At the last moment <he/she> realizes that blinding solar magic obscured the presence of a tight archery formation. They've just completed a ritual and stand ready to unleash a fusillade of magically-boosted arrows that will cut down anyone in its path. | ” |
To call on Valind, the outlaw wind, to knock their arrows from the air may well work, but will strengthen local bandits after the battle.
If you try to counter with your own arrows, then you both of you will likely take some casualties, but the other side maybe more so.