Six Ages Wiki
Raid010 offense

Your clan charges into battle.

These are Heroic Combat scenes that can occur when you raid or are raided by any of the three clannish Black Eel Valley cultures, and perhaps others as well.

Ride Like the Wind[]

Allies In Need[]

This occurs only when another clan fights on your side—either an ally you asked to help you raid, or an enemy of your enemy who chose to pitch in spontaneously.


<Hero> sees a force of <Foes> gathering for a sally against your <Friendly> allies. When the two forces meet, your allies will be outnumbered. Of all your key warriors, <Hero> rides closest to them. What does <he/she> do?
  1. Charge to join the <Friendlies>.
  2. Clang a warning bell.
  3. Disrupt the <Foe> charge with a blaze of arrows.
  4. Rally your Bows to head off the <Foes>.
  5. Call on Elmal to shine light in <Foe> eyes.


Keep in mind that calling on Elmal is hard in the heat of battle, and costs Magic—and that failure will look to your allies like you did nothing at all.

Dropped Treasure[]


<Hero> notices a weapon dropped by a fallen warrior and senses that it holds great magical power. How does <he/she> react?
  1. Fight <his/her> way to it.
  2. Ignore this distraction.
  3. Ride to it, circuiting around enemy combatants
  4. Ride to it, full-tilt.


The treasure often—but not always—turns out to be a fake, part of a trap set by your foes. However, sometimes it does turn out to be a real battle treasure... So just decide: how willing are you to risk this particular noble's life for a random battle treasure?


This is distinct from Battle Standard Opportunity, which always grants the same (magically useless) treasure.

Enemy Reinforcements[]


<Hero> sees a new force <driving/rushing/riding> to join the fight on the side of the <Original Enemy> clan. Their insignia mark them as belonging to the <Reinforcement> clan. They must have seen you as you made your way here, and mustered to defend their neighbors. How does <Hero> respond?
  1. Call for your Bows to concentrate fire on the new arrivals.
  2. Call for your forces to maintain focus against the <Original Enemy>.
  3. Call for your Swords to charge the new arrivals.
  4. Have <Shaman> send spirits to confuse their approach.
    Option only appears if you have a shaman noble. It's easier if you have a shaman as your chief.
  5. Threaten them with reprisals unless they desist.


Any option can work, depending on your noble's skills.


This is the flipside of the "Neighborly Intervention" scenario. 

Neighborly Intervention[]


As you fight the <Enemy>, you hear a din from the other side of the battlefield. A group of warriors from the <Other> clan <charges/rides/drives> toward your foes, <weapons> poised to attack them. The two clans are neighbors—not good ones, from the looks of it. <The <Other Clan> must have seen you headed here, mustered, and gone around the other way to flank the <Enemy>. <Hero> recalls glimpsing a scouting party; that must have been them. /The <Other Clan> must have seen them mustering to come attack us, and followed them here.> What action does <Hero> command?
  1. Call Elmal's blessing upon them.
    Ayvtu and Yatakan may have an advantage here.
  2. Support them as they lead a strike.
  3. Hit as hard as they do.
  4. Strive to outdo them against the <Enemy>.
  5. Wave them off.<ourHero> waved them off.


As usual, calling on the gods in the midst of battle is a chancy business, though if you have an Elmal-blessed hero at hand...

Supporting them can allow you to avoid casualties among your own forces, while hit as hard as they do and strive to outdo them are fierce options that definitely make your clan look tough... if you can pull it off.

Waving them off may be ignored.


You will probably get a choice as to whether to reward your allies of the moment with wealth, a favor, or nothing. Nothing may annoy them; a favor is probably excessive. You don't have to give much wealth to please them, so that's probably the wisest option.

This is the flipside of the "Enemy Reinforcements" scenario. 



<Hero> makes a reckless <charge/gallop> to face <an enemy>. Then <Enemy Clan> <common fighters> close ranks, surrounding <him/her>.
  1. Concentrate on the foe you rode here to kill
  2. Ride one of them down and escape.
  3. Take them all on.
  4. Use riding tricks to hold them off till reinforcements arrive.


A great warrior may be able to take them all on and win. Use riding tricks and ride one of them down are relatively safe options, though there's always a risk of things going wrong.

Lights Going Out[]

Allies Surge Ahead[]


While planning the raid, you war leader instructed your allies to take a support role, hanging back to prevent <Enemy Clan> arrivals from flanking your main force. Now, however, their chieftain, <Name>, surges ahead to engage the enemy head-on. <Hero> is the first to see this happen. How does he instruct your forces?
  1. Cast spells to bolster you'r ally's chieftain.
  2. Exceed their ferocity against the foe.
  3. Fall back to take their assigned support role.
  4. Stay in the fight, but let them hog the glory.


If you cast spells to bolster you'r ally's chieftain, success will see his blades and shield magically enhanced so that he'll blow through the lines along with his retinue. The enamy will be forced to fall back.

Beleaguered Allies Attacked[]


<Hero> sees the <Enemy Clan>s mustering a force to attack your already beleaguered <Friendly> allies.
  1. Bellow out a warning.
  2. Cast spells to befuddle and demoralize the <Enemy Clan>s.
  3. Charge to join the <Friendly>s.
  4. Disrupted the <Enemy Clan> charge with a blaze of arrows.


If you bellow out a warning, Urox may bless the hero with furious lung power to bellow out across the battlefield. Alerted in time, your allies may push the enemy clan back.

Chaos Creatures Emerge[]


As the battle against the <Enemy Clan>s rages, the ground between the opposing forces shakes and groans. A fissure opens up. Warriors from both sides topple into it. Misshapen Chaos creatures clamber up from the hole to attack you and the <Enemy Clan>s alike.
  1. Call on Urox to turn the Chaos creatures back.
  2. Press the attack against the <Enemy Clan>s.
  3. Retreat.
  4. Signal the opposing war leader to join forces against Chaos.


If you call on Urox to turn the Chaos creatures back, you lose 1 Magic, but it's still possible for Urox not respond, expecting you to handle the matter yourself. If so, the Chaos creatures will kill a significant number of troops on both sides before moving on to easier prey. However, if Urox heeds your sacrifice, a scorching wind will push the Chaos creatures back into their hole. The enemy clan will hail you, presumably to gift you for aiding them against Chaos. You have the chance of accepting or not. Accepting this parley may have them gift you 20 cows worth of goods. The people will be pleased that you managed to enrich yourself while also suppressing Chaos, raising Mood.

If you signal the opposing war leader to join forces against Chaos, they may agree. If so, while both clans suffer casualties, the Chaos forces are wiped out. After, the attacking clan agrees to withdraw without further fighting or plunder.

Cut Off Enemy[]


<Hero> and the fighters closest to <him/her> have managed to <cut off/isolate> a <good number/large group> of the <Enemy Clan>, and have a good chance of killing all of them. Unfortunately, <this would take <Hero> away from the main battle/the enemy are in a defensive position>. What does <he/she> do?
  1. Ignore them, concentrate on winning the battle.
  2. Attack them.
  3. Assign enough warriors to make sure they remain out of the fight, and move on.


If you attack them, then it is possible the enemy fighters prove tougher than you expect. If so, though you inflict a relatively small number of casualties on the enemy side, this proves largely a distraction from the main battle. Alternatively, your hero may inflict major casualties, but some of the enemy troops escape. A more successful conclusion is that the enemy forces may call for mercy, but be struck down by your hero to a man, making this a fruitful endeavor.

Enemy Reinforcements[]


<Hero> spots a new force joining the fight, reinforcing the <Original Enemy>s. They wear the insignia of the <Reinforcement>s, who so often thwart your efforts in the valley.
  1. Command your Bows to concentrate fire on the new arrivals.
  2. "Keep at the <Original Enemy>s!".
  3. Command your Swords to charge the new arrivals.
  4. Send hunters to circle around and attack the newcomers from behind.


If you command your Bows to concentrate fire on the new arrivals, it may not be enough to deter them. If so, the original enemy clan will be reinforced.

Elmal's Light Blinds[]


Nearly a dozen <Enemy Clan> warriors have been temporarily blinded by Elmal's dazzling light breaking through the clouds. The sun god has obviously responded to our war priests.
  1. Take advantage of the opportunity to attack them.
  2. Ignore them.
  3. Direct them out of harm's way.


If you take advantage of the opportunity to attack them, you may strike down about a dozen enemy warriors. The other enemy warriors will rush to their fallen comrades, cursing you.

Poison Clouds[]


During the fight, poison clouds drift down to the ground, to obscure the battlefield as choking, eye-watering fog. <Hero> finds <him/her>self in a less hazy spot for a moment.
  1. Call on Urox the Searing Wind to blow the fog away.
  2. Summon an air elemental to blow the fog away.
  3. Use the fog as a cover, fighting with hunter's stealth.
  4. Pull back.
  5. Call of the raid.

Not all options are necessarily available.


If you call on Urox the Searing Wind to blow the fog away, it will cost you 1 Magic, but not only will Urox disperse the poison cloud, he will give you a berserk blessing lasting you for the duration of that battle.

If you choose to summon an air elemental, then one that says it knew Orlanth when he was alive may appear to help you. If so, it will blow the fog away and inflict minor causalities on your opponents. If your opponents are Riders or Wheels, the air elementals will hit the sun worshipers harder. You lose one Magic, however. An Orlanth devotee may receive a bonus here.

If you successfully use the fog as a cover, fighting with hunter's stealth, you will befriend the fog and, though it burns your lungs and reddens your eyes, take out many enemy combatants, with minimal casualties yourself, before the fog clears. After the battle, you will be asked if you want to sacrifice 20 cows to Urox, for having accepted the aid of the Chaotic fog, or not.

Treasure Theft[]


As the fight against the <Enemy Clan> raiders grind on, <Hero> spots three of them creeping from your citadel. One furtively hefts an item of some kind. <Hero> realizes they've used the cover provided by the battle to steal a treasure from your citadel.
  1. Call on Eurmal the Trickster to confuse their path.
  2. Ignore this distraction to boldly press the foe.
  3. Leave the fight to intercept them.
  4. Send hunters to track them.


If you leave the fight to intercept them, the thieves may flee before your hero. However, without his help, your defending forces may take a significant number of causalities.

if you send hunters to track them, they may catch up with the thieves and take the treasure back. However, this may distract your hero, who may fall to an ambush by enemy warriors.


Can only occur when you are the target of a raid.
