Six Ages Wiki


The <Elmali> clan sends messengers to announce their upcoming staging of a hawking competition. All clans who worship Elmal are invited, including the Wheels. <(The Wheel People, whose nobles ride great rattling death carts, share a history, language, and most of the same gods with you. Relations with them tend to be strained at best).> Winning brings pride to the clans who prevail. Some attendees enjoy the spirit of the day, while others take advantage of the opportunity to engage in diplomacy.
  1. Concentrate on winning.
  2. Seek ties with Wheels.
  3. Smooth over differences with hostile Rider clans.
  4. Stay home.
  5. Tighten bonds with friendly Rider clans.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


If you concentrate on winning and perform well against stiff competition, Mood may increase, even if you ultimately do not win.


You can hold a hawking competition in Ram Plot, although you will only be able to invite Riders rather than Riders and Wheels.  Your advisors will say that Dostal will bless the victor of the competition--needs confirmation if this happens.


  • "Paying attention to the matches will aid our own morale."
  • "Hawks are an emanation from the sun, and a gift from the sky gods."
  • "The watchful hawk helps Elmal see faraway threats."
  • "When Wheel and Riders mix, trouble often breaks out."
  • "Our hawks will win."
  • "If we curry favor too overtly with the Wheels, other Rider clans will scorn us."
  • "Wheels are hard to trade with, because they regard us as inferiors." - Ekarna worshiper