“ | Thankfully for the last time, Berenstead awaits attack by a Chaos demigod—this time the Maker of Bad Growth. The council meets to consider preparations.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
It is a good idea not to ask the same clan for aid as before, if you've done so.
If you ask another clan to send wealth for divine sacrifices, you must first choose which clan to ask. They may send you 20 cows worth of goods. Mood may improve.
If you successfully ask another clan to send holy people then, besides help in the next event, you should see an immediate boost in mood and clan magic. Asking Ram clans is the best bet for assitance with a call on Urox and Wheels or Riders for a call on Elmal.
Before making your choice, it pays to think about how you plan to fight the Maker of Bad Growth. For example, there is no point in asking another clan to send fighters if your plan is to summon a god. A summary of the choices and how they help in fighting the Maker:
- Wealth: Can be used in the sacrifice to call upon Urox or Elmal. If unused, you can simply keep it.
- Fighters: Helps only with the "send a force of fighters option".
- Holy people: Helps with calling upon Urox or Elmal, depending on the culture of the clan you ask for help. Rams will send Urox devotees, while Rider and Wheel clan will send Elmal devotees. If you plan on summoning a god, make sure you ask the right clan. The holy people can also help empower a lone hero.
- Wandering Uroxi: Helps with the "send a force of fighters option" or with calling upon Urox.
- "Again I say: seek aid from a Berenethtelli clan." - Iverlantho
- "Tread lightly with requests for aid." - Venef
- "The glorious do not stoop to ask for help." - Erenlanth
- "Even the gods are helped by other divine beings." - Reda or Rodene
- "They say time isn’t real in the Gods Realm. But is it real here?" - Sereden or Serestev
- "The third Chaos demigod is presumably the worst."
- "The <Previous Helpers> have done their part already. Ask another clan."
- "We beat the Author of Sores, and other clans yearn for a piece of that glory."
- "For an Elmal rite, seek a Wheel or Rider clan. For Urox, seek a Ram clan."
- "Chaos demigods did not dare beset Nivorah. But then the glacier drove us out. "
- "I offended the last neighbors I spoke to but they were just touchy."
- "Bad Growth will sicken for a while, then kill."
- "A cube in a sea under a dome."
- "Wild spirits fled when the Author of Sores came, and have not come back." - Shaman
- "We brought Elmal worship to the Orlanthi, but few other Ram clans adopted him." - Elmal worshipper
- "If we’d ditched Elmal, Teghern Two-Trunk would never have sent these monsters our way." - Eurmal trickster
- "Wheels call themselves sun folk but disdain Osara." - Osara worshipper
- "Don't count on gods."
- "The least onerous aid we can ask for would be a grant of sacrificial goods."
- "Let me speak of sword and bow."
- "The <other clan> have already done their part. Ask another clan."