“ | A Chaos monstrosity with seven terrible mouths and five crushing feet appears from a breach in the Gods War to attack Berenstead. Its Rending Song causes an outbreak of spontaneous bleeding.
<Chaos Expert> identifies it as Eater of Skin, the first of three great monsters the god Teghern sends to attack Elmal as he guards Orlanth’s fortress.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
Berenstead's walls will be damaged by the attack. You can repair them with the appropriate Venture.
Sending a lone hero is more likely to succeed if the selected noble is a follower of Elmal. It is probably easier to pull this off than sending a force of fighters because Elmal fights alone in the myth. Even if successful, the hero may be wounded, but will heal normally.
Sending a force of fighters can also work. You will need to select a leader and specify how many Swords and Bows accompany him or her. If successful, several of your fighters will be seriously wounded, but they will manage to drive the monster off.
Calling on Elmal to fling it into the sky gives you a prompt as to how much to sacrifice to him and whether to risk the integrity of his shrine. In either case, a success means Elmal himself will intervene and, indeed, fling the monster skywards. The people rejoices and Mood improves.
A season or two or so after this event, you may receive gifts worth tens of goods from other clans in recognition of your victory.
Regardless of your choices and success, you will be dealing with Chaos demigods for a while:
“ | <Chaos Expert> says that as Elmal guards Orlanth’s fortress he is always beset by a series of monsters: first Eater of Skin, then Author of Sores, and finally Maker of Bad Growth. “I fear that we’ve been drawn into this part of the Gods War, and the manifestations will continue. Time doesn’t exist on the Other Side, but after performing a divination, I believe that the Author of Sores will come a year from now.” | ” |
The year in which this event happens will be marked in the saga with a Chaos rune.
- "Even Chaos beasts recognize the importance of the royal clan." - Iverlantho
- "Are you saying that this attack is some kind of honor, father?" - Venef
- "I’ll fight it!" - Erenlanth
- "Until I stop bleeding I will have difficulty thinking straight."
- "Others are bleeding much worse than you, <Character>, you sad moldy blanket!"
- "People would rejoice if a god arrives to fight it—because that would be a remarkable, unlikely outcome."
- "The Eater of Skin is the first of three monsters sent by Teghern, God of Tempting and Sending."
- "Elmal stands alone against the Eater of Skin. By the logic of the Gods War, one might fight more effectively than many."
- "<King> is no Beren, and against this beast would die like Vinglanth."
- "Oh no oh no oh no!"
- "We must rebuild the fortifications it has damaged."
- "This is the first of three attacks."
- "Though perhaps harder to realize, a Storm Bull rite will garner the greatest result."
- "Seven mouths, seven complaints."
- "You have given us no heir, Erenlanth, and cannot risk a hero’s death."
- "His song alone has wounded many." - Chalana Arroy Worshipper
- "For the purposes of this Other Side challenge, an Osara hero can stand in for an Elmal devotee." - Osara worshipper
- "To guard his citadel, Orlanth trusted Elmal over his unruly brother Urox." - Orlanth worshipper
- "This monster has bad taste. I’m sure I have more delicious parts than my skin." - Eurmal trickster
- "Typically we use rites to bolster fighters, who then attack. But we have no time to do both."
- "Teghern is Elmal's special Chaos foe. Beyond that, little is known of him."
- "After our last encounter with him, Teghern resolved to vex us further."
- "An Elmal hero will fight with divine advantage."
- "Send a team."