Six Ages Wiki


In the wake of this third terrible battle against Elmal’s Chaos foes, how does the ring respond?
  1. Further reward the Uroxi.
    Only appears if you called upon the Uroxi for aid.
  2. Improve relations with the <Unexpected Helper Clan>.
  3. Improve relations with the <Expected Helper Clan> clan.
  4. Promise to call on Chalana Arroy to cure the sick.
  5. “Three monsters came for us, but could not kill our hope.”

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you say “Three monsters came for us, but could not kill our hope" then your clan's hearts will be lifted and mood rise somewhat.

Even if the Chaos demigod is soundly defeated, some of your people will fall sick. These people can only be cured by Chalana Arroy or the Healing spirit. If they are not cured within approximately one year, they will die in a very gruesome manner, causing clan mood to drop. An advisor may warn you that this will happen.


Regardless of whether you promise to call on Chalana Arroy, you should do it, if she is still alive, until you have no sick people left. If she is dead, one option is to release the Healing Spirit.


  • Let’s not take victory and spoil it." - Venef
  • We must breathe in fear, and breathe out hope." - Erenlanth
  • "We should recruit warriors to replace the fallen." - Korestene/Warrior
  • "An excellent chance to strengthen bonds with with [sic] a clan that has done so much to help us." - Rodene/Diplomat
  • "The spirits are coming back." - Shaman
  • "It was Elmal who saved us. We must build him a grander temple." - Elmal worshipper
  • "Those we do not cure may easily die." - Chalana Arroy worshipper
  • "Many remain sick, of body and soul."
  • "Later we must repair damaged fortifications."
  • I had just a brief glimpse of <Elmal/Osara>’s essence. So long as we live up to <him/her>, we will continue to shine."
  • "We shouldn’t waste breath on a promise to cure the sick. We should just do it."
  • "Beren would be proud of us."
  • "I was certain that victory against the Maker would awaken Ernalda."
  • "All three will be back."
  • "We will need certain virtues for the final battle, and hope is one of them."
  • "Now we must throw all men off the ring."
  • "We did this together."
  • "We have only just survived this, and now everyone with a pet cause wants to foist it on us."
  • "Every year is stranger than the last."