Six Ages Wiki


<Explorer> and <his/her> exploration party enter a grove twisted and battered by the forces of Chaos. There they meet an enormous wolf, known as a guardian of this area since Beren's day. It does not speak, but regards the explorers with a plaintive expression.
  1. Drum to its spirit.
  2. Grant it a touch of your magical power.
  3. Offer it a horse.
  4. Sing to it.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you sing to it, it may turn up its nose and leave. Explorer may comment that the reactions of magical beasts are hard to predict. Mood may fall.

If you offer it a horse, the wolf will devour it, costing you one horse. However, both the wolf and its grove will turn healthier after eating. Out of gratitude, the wolf will lead your party to a random treasure. The wolf may alternatively reveal an unnaturally long tongue, which it grabs the horse with and then eats it whole. Your explorers will then retreat.

Another possibility is that it turns out that the wolf was not a wolf at all, but a Chaos monster called a shapestealer, taking the form of the Dog Hills Wolf to prey on explorers. You are then given the choice of whether to fight it or to flee. If you choose to fight it, members of your exploration part are likely to incur injuries, but you may earn a random treasure in exchange, or loot worth about 30 Goods.

If you grant it a touch of your magical power, you will expend one point of clan magic, and the grateful wolf will lead you to a pouch of ancient coins worth around 30 Goods.


This event is a call back to the Ride Like the Wind event Great Wolf Encounter wherein you meet what is likely the same wolf spirit, albeit much healthier.


  • "It will amply reward a wise approach."
  • "There has long been a supernatural wolf here."
  • "Singing will work."
  • "I know several wolf songs."