Six Ages Wiki


Beren, the promising young hero descended from the god Elmal and his son Verlaro, discovers a strange artifact buried in a patch of wilderness so barren and brambly that no one claims it. The item resembles a golden mirror. But instead of reflecting his own image back at him, it shows a beautiful Ram girl about his age. Anyone else gazing in the mirror sees themselves, as they would with an ordinary mirror.
  1. Send him looking for the girl.
  2. Spread word of this wonder among the Hyalorings.
  3. Stay quiet about the mirror.
  4. Tell him to bury the mirror.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Send him looking will eventually have Beren discover Redalda but will put him at risk of getting killed from a rare ambush event that can occur during traveling missions without a Zarlen's Safe Travel Blessing. If he's not ambushed, you will receive an update where Mood goes down.

Spread word of this wonder will improve rider relations when successful.

Staying quiet can improve or hurt Mood.

Bury the mirror will lose the good fortune effects that the Golden Mirror treasure offers.


This event will occur after Beren comes of age, when he is at home (not off exploring or on a mission). It almost always happens after the Skyquake event but can happen before it.

The update of Beren's search goes as follows:

I am back from my search for the girl in the mirror. Alas, it is Redalda, beloved daughter of the <Three daughters of Vingkot> clan. She is the young priestess they pin all their hopes on, and a descendant of their demigod Vingkot. No matter how much I asked, I could not gain as much as a glimpse of her. If I'd tried any harder they would have jumped us the moment we left their clan lands. I am in love with an image of a girl I can never speak to!


  • "I haven't spent years training the boy to see him throw it all away on some Ram girl." - Yatakan
  • "He has always borne the burden of destiny. Now I fear its perils." - Ayvtu
  • "We forbid love with Rams and for good reason: children of such unions become evil sorcerers."
  • "Any children of Ram and Rider grow up into evil sorcerers."
  • "Beren is a fine warrior."
  • "The mirror recalls the blank tablets Hyalor gave us to symbolize our freedom. Yet this seems like it has different purpose."
  • "Even after we make peace with the Rams, intermarriage would remain an insurmountable challenge."
  • "Some priests say it was Hyalor or Elmal who prohibited marriage between Rider and Ram."
  • "She's a Ram so her dowry would be goatless." - Goat-loving circle member