Six Ages Wiki


IMG 5450

Beren the Tall sees Redalda's face in the Golden Mirror.

A treasure. "This mysterious mirror grants good fortune, and prophetic visions to a special few."

"Good fortune" here means a point of magic each Sacred Time.

The Golden Mirror shows Beren the Tall and Redalda one another's faces, although for anyone else it merely shows their reflection, like an ordinary mirror. It also gives Beren a bonus during certain events (i.e. strengthens his "heroic aura").


Beren the Tall will discover the Golden Mirror in the event Golden Mirror Discovery. Provided he survives long enough, this event will always happen at some point while he is at home on your clan lands, after he comes of age. 


Although the Golden Mirror has relevance to Beren's event chain (it is important in Redalda Visits), it is possible to trade the mirror to another clan, or even to the goddess Ekarna during her ritual. Doing so won't derail the event chain, but you will lose the mirror's benefits and damage Beren's "heroic aura," lessening his advantage during certain events.  "I dreamt again of a golden mirror. I looked into it, but woke up before I could see my face." — Clan Circle member, well before the discovery of the mirror.
