Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


Clan members confront the ring, saying that it isn't moving fast enough to enact the daring Gods War scheme. Though even normal travels into the tattered divine realm is dangerous, surely the gods created their world of stories for this very reason--as a last-chance salvation from doom. If the current ring can't deliver, they say, perhaps the time has come for bolder leadership.
  1. Urge patience.
  2. Promise further action.
  3. Ask lore keepers to find another way to act.
  4. Attempt the rite now.
    (not available if you are too unprepared)

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


At the start of the event, Mood falls.

If you promise further action, the people may trust the ring to recruit more neighbors.

If you ask lore keepers to find another way to act, they will reply that they have some ideas and will report back soon. This will soon trigger the Gods War Wedding Ceremonial Precreation event.

If you urge patience, the people may trust the ring to act immediately to do something, like enlisting more neighbors, to better prepare for the Orlanth and Ernalda ritual.


  • "My credibility as king depends on this." - Iverlantho
  • "It is difficult to argue for patience, but patience is what we must have." - Venef
  • "Perform action, then recruit more neighbors." - Reda/Diplomat
  • "We should have asked our lore keepers already." - Sereden/Lore-expert
  • "We must find the tale of Orlanth's wedding before Chaos destroys it." - Orlanth devotee
  • "There are still relics out there for us to find." - Issaries devotee/Bargainer
  • "We should have asked out lore keepers already." - Lhankor Mhy devotee/Lore expert
  • "We could probably perform the rite now." - Magician, if you are well-prepared enough
  • "We are not yet ready to perform the rite."
  • "Going to the Other Side will only hasten our demise."
  • "The Gods War is a place, a set of events, and an absence of time. With Chaos eating it, anything is possible."