Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


As you asked, your lore keepers have contemplated ways to locate some hidden corner of the Gods Realm where Orlanth and Ernalda might still dwell. After warning again how risky this action would be, they say that a ceremonial wedding would help create the magical preconditions for such a journey.
  1. Marry an eligible woman into another clan.
  2. Seek a bride willing to marry into your clan.
  3. Put this off for a while.
  4. "No one wishes to be pushed into marriage for ceremonial reasons."

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you seek a bride willing to marry into your clan, you must first choose which of the other clans to approach and the size of the gift to give. If they agree, you will find a bride. You gain +1 Population, increased Mood, but you lose one point of Magic for empowering his wedding with ceremonial significance. This should help you in the Orlanth and Ernalda ritual later.


  • "The <Other Clan>s will be best disposed towards us." - Reda/Diplomat
  • "At Sacred Time, perform more healing than war magic, so it will be auspicious to seek a husband." - Dresta/Magician
  • "Every marriage recapitulates that of Orlanth to Ernalda, but here we would bring that to the forefront."
  • "A sacred wedding will cost us a little magic."
  • "People should marry for love alone."
  • "The <clan "known for maintaining the Healthy Cow Secret"> clan has the best herds, so let's start there."