Sick goats and distressed goatherds.
Goats are livestock kept by Riders, Wheels, and Ergeshites (but not Rams, who prefer sheep) for their meat and milk. They have their own goddess, Uryarda Goat Mother.
The Ergeshites are sometimes called the Pure Goat People, because they keep no other livestock. Their main deities include Uryarda Mother Goat and her consort, Sidar Goatfather.
Ride Like the Wind[]
In Six Ages: Ride Like The Wind, you can have a worshipper of the goat goddess Uryarda on your clan circle. And some of your leaders are positively obsessed with goats.
In terms of gameplay, the number of goats you possess is always exactly twice the number of cows in your herd. As such, they are part of your clan's wealth as well as a source of food.
Your more goat-focused nobles have a great deal to say about their favorite ungulates.
- "Our sense of purpose has strayed from the essential mission of securing more goats."
- "Nobody gets killed at a goat festival."
- "I see why goats are not treated as a main unit of barter but it hurts my feelings nonetheless."
- "My goats seem to consider them edible."
- "I have a story about goats I would like to see sewn into our tent."
- "We can always use more goats."
- "Ask for tribute in goats."
- "Wicked magicians sour goats’ milk."
- "We did not have goats in the Golden City."
- "Trolls eat goats like goats eat grass."
- "Good for them my goats didn’t get at their lands. Then they’d have something to whine about."
- "Uryarda Goat Mother and Yanade the Spirit Father bet each other they could make goats more fruitful. The winner was the clan that owned those goats."
- "Why don’t zahlzem ever send us free goats?"
- "The thing about trading with Rams is they never seem to offer any goats."
- "We could have our goats eat those flowers."
- "May he protect our goats."
- "Will Redalda be good to our goats?"
- "She’s a Ram, so her dowry would be goatless."
- "Mind the goats. Gods will take care of themselves."
Events that particularly concern goats are:
- Blue Goat Encounter
- Ergeshites Invited In
- Ergeshite Trade Offer
- Revenge of the Goat Shaman
- Sick Goats
- Scorpion Folk Steal Goats
Lights Going Out[]
By the time of Lights Going Out, your Rider clan has become a Ram clan, the royal clan of the Berenethtelli tribe. In this transition, your clan ceased its herding of goats and, according to Ram traditions, started keeping sheep instead. Thus sheep fulfill the same gameplay purposes in Lights Going Out that goats did in Ride Like the Wind.
While out exploring, your expeditions may come across the Sidarsi, another goat-herding people that recently split from the main Ergeshite group. They worship a goat godess called Miapora Mountain Goat.
About goats, your clan ring has the following to say:
- "Goats must not profane this royal land."
- "Everyone hates goats."
- "Goats stink, and tear up pastures. Yet when we were Riders, we kept them too."
- "We kept goats when we were Riders, giving them up when we converted to Orlanth."
- "We once worshiped a goat goddess, Uryarda."
- "Goats sometimes turns into broos, or are used to spawn them."
- "Though different in nearly every way, Riders and Ergeshites both worship the same goat goddess."
Events about goats include: