Six Ages Wiki


<Explorer> and company find that the glacier has moved further south since the last time you explored the northeast. They feel the baleful chill of the Cold Sun upon them.
  1. Chop into the ice for treasures it has absorbed during its advance.
  2. Dig for treasures in the places the glacier will soon cover.
  3. Resolve to propose a Sunpath ritual once back home.
  4. Spin to Elmal to warn him of the Cold Sun’s advance.
  5. Depart in haste.

— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Chopping into the ice seems to test Exploring (Combat + Bargaining).

Successfully digging for treasures will grant a reasonably substantial amount of goods. This is also an Exploring test.

Spinning to Elmal will cause Elmal himself to thank your clan and promise to burn clouds during one of the seasons of darkness.


Most of the time, if you send explorers to the glacier you'll just get a report that they traveled north until they found the glacier, and that no sign of Nivorah remained. This event seems only to trigger at the very edge of the glacier.

It seems that this event can happen on the site of Noastor after it is covered by the glacier, although the exact text for that circumstance isn't known.
