“ | The ghost of one of your Rider ancestors appears, and lodges a claim against the clan. <Ghost> was buried shortly before the completion of Berenstead. A pig dug up and damaged his remains. “By the Laws of Hyalor, I am owed compensation worth ten cows.” He then turns to <Descendant> and says, “I expected my children to properly protect the dead.”
Follow-up if you banish the ghost: Who do you call on? Follow-up if you bargain with the ghost:
Follow-up if you try the case:
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
Bargaining can be a solid choice, especially if you ask for a blessing. If you successfully bargain for a blessing from the ghost then it may gift you a hunting blessing that lasts for at least two years in exchange for the ten goods you owe him. This would also raise clan mood.
If you try the case and tell him “Actually, the damages should be paid to your kin” then it is possible to satisfy the ghost with half the fine, five cows.
If you try the case and then claim it was an accident, <Ghost> may argue that the clan is responsible for the damages caused by their pigs same as the clan is responsible for their horses or cattle. The judge may well rule in his favor, in which case you must pay the full fine of goods worth ten cows for nothing in return.
The ghost will address a clan member as his descendant. This person is random, but never an adoptee or someone who has returned from the Gods War.
This event has some similarities to one in King of Dragon Pass, in which the player clan could resolve a haunting by conducting a lawsuit against a ghost.
- "<Ghost>, as your descendant, I am sorry you were disturbed. You should be compensated." - The ghost's descendant.
- "I will provide Beren’s justice." - Iverlantho
- "This will be a tricky case to adjudicate. Maybe we can get him to withdraw it." - Venef
- "<While >I could banish this ghost,< but> I think it would be a mistake." - Dresta or Doresa
- "At least no one is talking about suing the pig." - Agimori Adoptee
- "I’ve always wondered what a funeral doll looks like! Thank you, pig!" - Eurmal trickster
- "I am not a law expert, but I grew up with Hyalor’s Law, and I think <Ghost> has a case. His claim is subject to negotiation." - Rider Refugee Leader
- "This is a serious offense, and we should compensate <Ghost>." - Returner
- "Beren’s Law is different from Hyalor’s Law. As one of the last Riders, <Ghost> <could have asked Beren for justice under either code/may not be familiar with the differences>." - Lhankor Mhy devotee/Lore expert
- "Our law code is not the same one he lived under."
- "Beren and Redalda wed not just each other but their cultures. The culture they gave birth to had a new law, but it was born from Rider and Ram law."
- "When Beren made a new law for his new people, he made sure his old people still had the same rights."
- "We no longer know how to make funeral dolls, and he’s citing part of the law that nobody knows."
- "When law is uncertain, there is no law."
- "Ram law and Rider law were closer than you might think. Both worried about honor and oaths, and property and killing."
- "Humakt or a shaman could banish the ghost. <It's hard to say if this would have other consequences.>"
- "We'll be able to afford payment."
- "I assume id we bargain with <Ghost>, we don't need to try his case."
- "We seldom get the opportunity to speak so directly with our ancestors!" - Ancestor worshipper
- "<Ghost> was one of our best hunters." - Dostal worshipper
- "Elmal wields the Justice Spear. <Ghost> will get a fair trial." - Elmal worshipper
- "Humakt can make sure the dead stay dead. But Humakt is also the god of oaths." - Humakt worshipper
- "Orlanth gave the Justice Wand to his son Vingkot. Vingkot’s daughter brought it to us." - Orlanth worshipper
- "As in most legal cases, if <Ghost> wins he would be entitled to compensation. He might be accept a lesser payment rather than risk losing." - Issaries worshipper
Your ring will give fresh advice if you try the case.
- "I still feel we owe <Ghost> for the damages he suffered." - Descendant
- "The involvement of the king in justice was one of the ways Beren and Redalda changed Rider law. I will of course uphold my duty to rule fairly." - King
- "I don’t know the details of either law, but it always comes down to families." - Agimori Adoptee
- "The <Player> law code still has some elements of Hyalor’s Law, but has changed to fit the times. Which is how Hyalor would have wanted it." - Rider Refugee Leader
- "I could make any of these arguments. But I think the claim is valid under Beren’s Law." - Lhankor Mhy worshipper