“ | People are still unable to communicate with one another after Wakboth’s murder of Geyzenturas the Word Star. <Reda> has studied the matter and believes that a rite to Redalda, known for communication and for taking up the tasks of slain gods, might restore the ability to speak intelligibly. Or so you infer, from her prolonged gesturing and drawing of stick figures in the sand.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you decide to proceed immediately, the only preparation you are afforded is to make a sacrifice. Should the rite succeed you will restore speech both to your clan and all others in the valley. Due to the lack of outside witnesses, you will not be given full credit for this deed, but your clan will celebrate and the mood will be raised anyway.
If you ask all nearby non-enemies to take part in the rite then success may not just raise the mood of your clan, but also improve relations with your neighbors.

This scene usually stars Reda or her daughter Rodene, but if both are absent, another clan member will take over. If so, the event will use the following illustration:
If Garbled Tongues: The Bones of Geyzenturas has not already occurred, it will happen soon after this event.
- "I fear and despise all of—why can I not be reduced to gibberish, instead of these infernal confessions?" - Iverlantho
- "In my bid not to become my father, I am a failure too—just an opposite one." - Venef
- "King Lhgeugatl, that is who I am now." - Erenlanth
- "If it goes wrong, Wakboth will reach down from the sky to take vengeance." - Eurmal trickster
- "Phorlah stkgcoii pakmac mllr ni."
- "Nh aa i srooamgk ho aucga risk ni hnet no osel."
- "Elhiaatt aa rnirnzrars hmoao ni vrjgnt ijauasioo."
- "Laguoonti!"
- "Oomta drg nytirayjabho! Nytirayjabho!"
- "<Reda/Rodene> lah sti kgcoiipkmc."