Six Ages Wiki

Garaskar is a member of the player clan in the prologue of Six Ages: Lights Going Out. He serves as a member of Brolarulf's clan ring for the whole of the prologue, and is 54 when it begins. Before the start of the game proper, and Iverlantho's ascension to the Berenethtelli throne, he died along with his sovereign and the rest of the ring in either the Blue Plague or the Blood Blizzard.

He has the following advice to give:

  • "Once we were Riders, but traditionalists, particularly the Ram Killers, have never forgiven us for joining with the Storm people."
  • "Nothing like this has happened before. It's hard to be certain what happened to the gods when we cannot reach them."
  • "Brolarulf's father was slain and we lost his regalia, but we are still a tribe, and should act it."
  • "The only way to know for sure what happened to our gods is to ask the Lord of Knowledge. We should be sure to maintain his temple."

Skills & Religion[]

Garaskar is a devotee of Lhankor Mhy and a master of lore.


