Six Ages Wiki

You can build a variety of fortifications to help your forces when your lands are raided.

Fortifications can be destroyed in battle or other disasters, so you may have to rebuild them periodically. You can view your existing fortifications and build more from the War screen.

The Beaver spirit's blessing will reduce the cost of building fortifications by 12%.

Fortifications in Ride Like the Wind[]

Image Name Base Cost Reduced Cost Effect
Ditch Ditch 25 goods 22 goods Reduces your material losses when your lands are looted. (value = 1)
Rampart Rampart 50 goods 44 goods Reduces your material losses when your lands are looted. (value = 3)
Stakes Stake Perimeter 40 goods 35 goods Reduces your material losses when your lands are looted (value = 2) and helps fight off Riders and Wheels. (mounted defense value = 3)
Stockade Stockade 75 goods 66 goods Reduces your material losses when your lands are looted. (value = 6)
StoneWall Stone Wall 150 goods 132 goods Reduces your material losses when your lands are looted. (value = 8)
Watchtower Watchtower 10 goods 9 goods Lessens the probability of being taken by surprise by an attack.

Notes: "Value" is taken from the game files. The precise formula is not known, but fortifications with stronger value have a greater effect. The non-player hillfort clan has a special fortification that presumably makes their lands more difficult to loot (value = 9).

Fortifications in Lights Going Out[]

In Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out, you can no longer build a Stockade, Stone Wall or Rampart. However, you start with a Ditch and Watch Tower as well as a hillfort—Berenstead, a mighty fortress built by dwarves. At the beginning of the game, you can only build a Stake Perimeter, although you may have to rebuild other fortifications if they're damaged or destroyed.

The hillfort is mechanically different than other fortifications. If it is breached (fully destroyed), you cannot rebuild it. However, it can survive significant damage, and you can work to repair it with ventures.

States of the Hillfort
Icon In-Game Description
Icon hillfort Hillfort
Icon hillfort slightlydamaged Hillfort (slightly damaged)
Icon hillfort damaged Hillfort (damaged)
Icon hillfort seriouslydamaged Hillfort (seriously damaged)
Icon hillfort breached Hillfort (breached)

Additionally, building or repairing fortifications can gain you magic, if you are lucky enough to have the Antler of Penentan.
