“ | While digging cattail roots in your wildlands, some of your foragers spot the underground nest of a monstrous creature. In some ways it's like an insect, in others like a crab, yet wholly unlike both. Rushing back to Berenhall, they describe it to <Noble>. He says it is a krarshtkid. The parasitic young of this Chaos monstrosity attaches to people, impelling them to violence and betrayal.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you send a sole hero, it may be heroically slain, and Mood increases. Alternatively, the krarshtmother and hero will slay one another; the hero dies and Mood decreases.
If you call on Maran Gor, decide on the size of your sacrifice. Success will see the krarshtkid squished flat, Mood improved, and Chaos will tremble knowing you hold the favor of the earth shaker.
- "A war party seems wisest." - Venef
- "You keep telling me the prince must be careful, but surely I can risk solo combat against a horse-sized tick-crab." - Erenlanth, if prince
- "I know a thing or two about logs." - Serestev
- "We tell tales of Maran Gor, but rarely worship her."- Doresa/Magician
- "After this is safely dealt with, be sure to thank the foragers." - Inilla devotee
This scenario is similar to the follow-up scene of the Krarshtkid Factions event, minus the strife leading up to it.