“ | When <Explorer> and <his/her> explorers reach the fabled Hill of Gold, it opens up, revealing a procession of ancient Rider heroes, wreathed in blinding sunlight. The leader hails you. "Most strange! You bear the insignia of my clan, the <Player Clan>s, but I do not recognize you. And if I didn't know better, I would swear that you also bear the tattoos of our foes, the Rams." Can this be <Returner>, marked on your Story Wall as one who fell into the divine realm before Berenstead was built?
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you say, "Come home with us, Returner," then that is what they will do. They will be shocked by the time that has passed, but will be ready to embrace you, their descendants, as their new comrades.
A season or so later, you receive this follow-up:
“ | <Explorer> returned from the Hill of Gold with an exploration party sent before Beren and Redalda wed.
” |
This event is only available if you import a save from Ride Like the Wind into Lights Going Out where one of your nobles and their party chose to "Ride into the manifestation" during the Battle on the Hill of Gold event. The stats of the particular noble and the size of his retinue is also dependant on this save.
If the Returner used to worship a god in Ride Like the Wind that is dead in Lights Going Out, the Returner will convert to the worship of another, living, god. For example, a Zarlen worshiper will convert to his father Elmal, as will a Hyalor worshiper, Uryarda worshipers convert to Uralda worship, etc.
If the imported Returner is a Raven trickster, they will become a follower of Eurmal. If you already have an Eurmali on your clan, the following bit of text is added to the usual follow-up text: "<New Trickster> fit in quickly at worship ceremonies, even if <he/she> did occasionally slip and refer to Eurmal as Raven. <He/She> spent a lot of time in private with <Old Trickster>. Some people said they were engaged in pleasure, others in plotting."
Some time later, you hear a variation of the following update:
“ | <Old Trickster> turned up dead,<a mischievous smile on <his/her> face/with <his/her> skin turned bone white>. Many blamed <New Trickter>, but <he/she> <had three good alibis/was away from the clan at the time>. | ” |