Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


The people gaze up in awestruck horror as an enormous eye fills the dying sky. A single name reverberates in everyone's head: WAKBOTH! WAKBOTH! WAKBOTH! The eye of the devil himself stares down upon you, bringing menace, dread, and premonitions of the world's end.
  1. Call on Urox to dispel this dread vision.
  2. Seek aid from other clans for your Urox rite.
  3. Seek wandering Uroxi to banish the eye.
  4. Prepare the people for a lengthy time of crisis.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you call upon Urox to dispel the dread vision, you will have a choice of what to sacrifice. Even 1 cow is enough, and bull stompers will say that it is gone, but not forever.

If you seek aid from other clans for your Urox rite, you must first choose how much to sacrifice and whether to risk the integrity of any potential Urox shrine or not. Either way, success will see Urox send the eye away, granting surcease at least for a while.


  • "We must endure." - Venef
  • "We warned others of Wakboth's wiles." - Kerenna
  • "We warned the valley this day would come." - Rodene
  • "The Eye heralds the imminent arrival of Wakboth's army. Thanks to us, the valley clans know this."
  • "We survived the War of Many Suns, the glacier, the attack on Beren's wedding... we can survive this too."
  • "The name of Beren will attract aid from across the valley."
  • "If many clans help, we will succeed. If we rely on Uroxi, gift at least 20 cows."
  • "Wheels will look at this and say, 'Thank Samnal this isn't happening to us."
  • "The embodiment of male malice."
  • "I am losing consciousness."
  • "When all else fails, call for endurance."
  • "Oh woe!"