Six Ages Wiki


<Explorer> and <his/her> explorers arrive in the northern land of the Ergeshites, or Zarkosites, where they meet a group of these goat-keeping lion-worshipers. "Weary travelers!" they say. "Welcome to our hard but beautiful land. As everyone knows, exploration keeps the world in our memory, so it does not fall entirely apart. Please join us at a feast." <Explorer> recalls that Ergeshites once gave you what they claimed was dried goat meat, but was in fact human flesh. <And, although they didn't bring it up, we had denounced their goats.>
  1. Accept.
  2. "Would we be the guests, or the meal?"
  3. Withdraw with shields upraised.
  4. Attack.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you ask "Would we be the guests, or the meal?" they may admit that some of their people had resorted to cannibalism, which they condemned, and claimed as antithetical to the laws of their gods. The explorer will then express their read on their honesty, or lack thereof. You will then have to choose from the remaining options.

If you then accept, the explorer and their party may then eat what they is goat meat, before drinking what is possibly drugged wine. If so, the explorer may wake up, with the rest of their party butchered, and be forced to escape alone. In that case, you incur significant casualties, losing any warriors, or other members of your clan, that accompanied your explorer, as well as their horses. Also, Mood will likely drop.


  • "Immediate attack is a successful attack."