“ | An expedition of Ergeshites, who call themselves Zarkosites, shows up to offer tubs of dried goat meat in exchange for portable goods. A past party of Ergeshites traded you dried goat meat that turned out to be human flesh. This group offers a sizable supply of food that will safely store indefinitely, and want 20 cows worth of goods for it. They seem puzzled by your scowls at their offer.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you kill them and burn their so-called goat meat, the people will expect a divine boon for this service. If one fails to manifest, the people might grow concerned that they had slaughtered innocent Ergeshites. There doesn't have to be a change to Mood, but you a likely to suffer a few casualties.
Compare Ergeshite Meat Offer, the first time the Ergeshites offer you meat.
- "Burning their accursed product will earn us divine favor." - Magician
- "They have surely abandoned their original gods, Durbaddath the Lion Father and Uryarda the Goat Mother, in favor of Cacodemon Chaos Cannibal.