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A <delegation/expedition> of <outlanders from outside the valley/Ergeshites, who call themselves Zarkosites,> shows up to offer tubs of dried goat meat in exchange for portable goods. <You remember them as the Ergeshites, though they refer to themselves as Zarkosites, after their founding ancestor. Your lorekeepers say they worship a lion and the goat goddess Uryarda, who your Rider ancestors also venerated.> <You once owned a magical blue goat that Beren stole from the Ergeshites.> They <must not know or care that you traveled to their lands to denounce their goats, because they> offer a sizable supply of food that will safely store indefinitely, and want 20 cows worth of goods for it."
  1. Agree.
  2. Decline.
  3. Drive them off.
  4. Kill them and take their meat.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out

The mention of the Blue Goat treasure is presumably dependent on the save imported from Ride Like the Wind. The text changes somewhat depending on if you have encountered Ergeshites before and whether you have denounced their goats after the Goats vs Urox event or not.


If you agree, then you will receive the food as an emergency measure in the future in exchange for the 20 goods. Depending on the feelings of your clan, they may be happy to maintain good relations with distant peoples, and Mood will increase. Another possibility is that they will reserve judgement, in which case there is no change to Mood.

If you decline, mood will increase. People will be glad you did not trust outsiders.

If you keep the meat, there is a chance that it is a helpful source of emergency relief when Food levels are low. However, it may turn out the meat is not goat, but has a more two-legged origin. There is no way to tell from just this event.


  • "The king cares not for dried meat questions." - Iverlantho
  • "We don't worship the Goat Mother, though she is kin to Ernalda." - Ernalda devotee
  • "Orlanth said no to goats." - Orlanth devotee
  • "We sent a group to the north to condemn their goats." - If you have denounced their goats
  • "We have not mastered the art of meat drying, but the Ergeshites apparently have."
  • "They offer a fair value."
  • "They came so far to trade."
  • "How have these wanderers survived?"
  • "Wanderers sometimes surprise with their fighting prowess."
  • "We must have a good reason for calling them Ergeshites instead of Zarkosites."
  • "No one will care what we do to them."
  • "It can be nice to host outsiders."
  • "That's not the meat of goats."
  • "That meat could mean the difference between survival and starvation."
  • "Beren's original clan kept goats."
  • "We have encouraged the people to regard openness as a virtue."