Six Ages Wiki


A child no longer, <King/Prince> Erenlanth has won over key nobles with his charm and bravery.

<He also shows great aptitude with a sword./The god-talkers say he may become a powerful magician.> <Some say he should be elevated to the ring immediately./As king, he must surely join the ring, if not serve as chieftain.> <Volunteer> volunteers to step down to make room for him. <For his part, Erenlanth asks if the ring isn’t a bit boring. “I can do that when my beard is grey!”/Erenlanth demurs. “I am king, but also a young man. Let me have some fun before a lifetime of servitude on the ring.”>

  1. Convince him to join the ring.
  2. Convince him to serve as chieftain.
  3. “The existing council can rule until he matures into the role.”
  4. Encourage him to be more decisive than his father.
  5. “He should cultivate his father’s caution.”

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you convince him to join the ring, he makes it clear he only does so reluctantly. This may still raise your clan's Mood if your clan holds royalty in high regard. Whoever gives up their seat for him will receive praise for setting aside their pride and the clan suggests they rejoin next time a seat on the ring opens up. If there already is a vacancy on the ring, Erenlanth will fill it, and the volunteer remains as well.

If you say “the existing council can rule until he matures into the role” then this will displease the clan's royalists, who argue that Erenlanth—despite his reluctance and inexperience—should be on the ring on account of his bloodline. If the clan is of a royalist disposition then this will worsen the Mood and negatively impact the ring's popularity. If the clan is realist, however, the people may agree that this shows great wisdom and trying to force the matter would do little good. If so, Mood rises instead.


The illustration for this event is a variant on the one for Venef Comes of Age, with the figure of Venef replaced by Erenlanth and the surroundings being rather worse for wear.

If Iverlantho and Venef are both still alive, Iverlantho and Erenlanth will happen soon. Bachelor Erenlanth is likely to happen in a few years.


  • "Before my son becomes king, he must learn how complicated life can be." - Venef.
  • "He is as headstrong as Orlanth. And see where that got the Storm King." - Dresta.
  • "He plans to kill a zombie, a skeleton, and a vampire before his next birthday." - Kerenna.
  • "Unwilling <kings/princes> win few friends." - Rodene.
  • "He told me walls are no good because they don't help you raid." - Hanvan.
  • "I would be honored to step aside for him." - Volunteer
  • "He told me walls are no good because they don't help you raid." - Wall-obsessed ring member
  • "He told me he'd smash Wheels all day long." - Wheel-hating ring member
  • "There is no prince after him. He must settle down and sire us an heir."
  • "The boy has a nice healthy temper."