Six Ages Wiki


The sky fills with light. Night is banished. A trembling anticipation creeps across the land. Surrounded by a blinding solar flare, your chief god, Elmal the Guardian Sun rides onto your clan lands. His voice reverberating across the sky, he says that he senses that his slain retainer, Yestal the Herder, died and fell to earth nearby. “I seek his golden bones,” Elmal booms, “so that I may fashion them into weapons to equip my army. Provide them to me, and state which boon you desire in return.”
  1. “Let us send warriors to fight at your side.”
  2. “Lift the prohibition on Riders marrying Rams.”
  3. “Restore our herds.”
  4. “Restore our horses.”
  5. “Strike a blow against Orlanth the Ram.”

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Asking Elmal to lift the prohibition results in him explaining that he never cared about this in the first place. This option only appears if Beren the Tall is alive and the problem hasn't been resolved already.

Asking for herds or horses can offend Elmal if you already have many, but otherwise you will gain in ungulates.

If you ask Elmal to strike a blow against Orlanth, he will utterly destroy a Ram clan of your choice. This will cause other clans to fear you. (Note that destroying the Daughters of Vingkot clan will render the game unwinnable.)

Sending warriors may be the best choice if you are doing well. Elmal is impressed by your courage and will give you a war blessing.

You will gain 10 Clan Magic at the beginning of this event, independent of your choices. 


If you have the Sky God Bone (the event can trigger if you only collected goods from the crater) you will lose it no matter what in this event. 

If you send warriors and Yatakan or Ayvtu is on the circle, they can go with them, although Ayvtu will not go if Fire Children: Ayvtu's Secret has happened. Only one can go, and Yatakan will ask to leave first. If you refuse him, or he is not present, Ayvtu will make her own request (again, if she does not have a child).

If you send either one with Elmal, they (and their warrior escort) can return in Lights Going Out, see the Fires From Afar event.

Although this event is not the only one in which you meet a god, it is the only one that grants the Vision achievement.
