Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


While foraging for mushrooms in a corpse of dead trees, your women behold a disturbing sight—human-shaped figures made of dried plant material. Sages of your clan say they might be elves, beings once found in abundance nearby, but not seen for generations. Whatever they were, they did not appear to move or speak, your foragers say. Not that they stayed around to say for sure.
  1. Leave them be.
  2. Burn them.
  3. Install them in your throne room.
  4. Ask your spirits to communicate with them.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you leave them be, the people may have wished for the ring to take action, causing Mood to fall. Certainly, if your Rider ancestor virtue was "Forward Movement" your ancestors will disapprove, and punish you by stealing -1 Magic from you. Alternatively, the people might not object to this decision and Mood rises instead.

If you ask your spirits to communicate with them, they may be reluctant to do so, out of fear. If so, you must decide whether to push them to obey or not. Even if you don't, there is a chance one of your shamans manage to convince them to investigate. If so, they will confirm that these are the husks of elves, and totally inert. The spirits may advise you to leave them alone. If you heed this advice, Mood may improve. If you do not, you must choose either to burn them or install them in your throne room. With the latter, they are placed in the great hall under urging, with visiting neighbors being fearful of them, with everyone talking about your dead elves soon after; possible Mood increase with Fear +1, and other clans may know you for displaying dead elves.


  • "This matter does not warrant royal consideration." - Iverlantho
  • "We mustn't act without full knowledge." - Venef
  • "Spirits harbor the same fears we do." - Dresta/Shaman
  • "Putting them in the clan hall sends a clear message: all that lives, dies." - Korestene/Humakt devotee
  • "Normally our foragers avoid the dead corpse, but they thought they saw gold-capped mushrooms in there." - Inilla devotee/Forager
  • "They do look a bit human-like. But they also look tree-like."
  • "When Ernalda died, the plant folk, who depended on earth to live, withered where they stood."
  • "Respect the offspring of Aldrya the Green."
  • "If we burn the elves, move them away from the dry woods first. We don't want to start a conflagration." - depending on the season
  • "In another season I'd worry about the woods around the elves catching fire and creating a conflagration. The damp is our friend." - if it is Storm Season
  • "People will be afraid if we act, and afraid if we don't."
  • "Whatever we do will be wrong."
  • "I'm not sure about this."
  • "Even if these are dead elves, that doesn't mean all elves have died off."
  • "The world has gotten worse in many ways, but at least the elves are dead."
  • "Like many other plants, the elves no longer grow here."