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Ekarna is the Hyaloring goddess of trade.

Before Ekarna bartered for the Trade Rune and became the goddess of trade, Ekarna was simply one of Nyalda's attendants. She is the sister of Gamari and rides a steed who is Gamari's half-sister. She is a friend of Osara's, who once rescued her from imprisonment by Wheels. Ekarna is also something of a rival to the Wheel trade god, Rogoros. In all Ekarna's stories, Rogoros is an incompetent buffoon; presumably, she comes off no better in his. 

Ekarna is known for having brokered between the Nida Mountain and Genert's Garden at the Brass Bazaar. She is also credited for having taught Tradetalk to the Riders.

Ride Like the Wind[]

Ekarna first appears Ride Like the Wind. Over the course of a game, it is possible to receive the following report:

The gods still walk among the people, even if it doesn't happen as often as it once did. The <Rider clan>s were visited by Ekarna herself, who traded fabulous cloth of gold. I hope I have the same opportunity some day.


You can build a shrine or temple to Ekarna. Her blessings are: 

  • Market: Makes our markets more profitable.
  • Trading: Improves the profit of trading missions. 
  • Silvertongue: Helps our traders and negotiators. 
  • Understanding: Helps our dealings with foreigners.

If, during Ride Like the Wind's clan creation, you choose for your clan to be known for having aided Ekarna's brokerage between the dwarves and the people of Genert's Garden, then you will start the game knowing her Market blessing. Your leaders will also have extra skill with Bargaining and Ekarna's ritual will be easier. Having a shrine to Ekarna will also allow you to establish an additional trade route, while a temple will allow two.

The treasure Cape of Ekarna grants a divine blessing to Ekarna's worshipers. Another treasure associated with her is the Emblem of Ekarna, which is a holy emblem that, if sewn into your story tent, improves the clan mood whenever bargaining goes well.

On the Circle[]

Rune Communication

Having a worshiper of Ekarna on the clan circle allows you to put more magic into Diplomacy during Sacred Time. It also allows you to maintain an additional trade route (this does not go beyond one in the case of multiple Ekarna devotees on the ring).

Both men and women find themselves members of Ekarna's cult. They tend to be expert bargainers and, sometimes, talented magicians. In the noble selection screens and on the clan circle, her worshipers' portraits are marked with the Communication Rune.


These are some of the things your circle members may say of Ekarna in Ride Like the Wind:

  • "Talking magic comes from Ekarna." 
  • "Ekarna punishes cheaters and thieves. However, we are not the thieves here." 
  • "When Yanade had more spirits than even he could keep track of, he asked Ekarna to find new homes for some of them." 
  • "Busenari said, 'All the cows are my daughters.' Ekarna replied, 'And the gold they fetch will arm our sons.'" 
  • "As a woman who never lets her feet touch the earth, the goddess Ekarna confuses me."  
  • "Wheels do not worship Ekarna. Their trading god is male and wears a cylindrical hat." 
  • "Ekarna gave us Tradetalk, the language that lets us talk to foreigners." 
  • "The goddess Ekarna is sister to the horse goddess Gamari, and rides a steed who is Gamari's half-sister." 


Ekarna's myth is Ekarna's Four Trades, which forms the basis for Ekarna Four Trader.

Lights Going Out[]

Because your clan has converted to Orlanth-worship since the end of the first game, Ekarna is not one of the gods you can worship in Lights Going Out. The Ram god Issaries is your trading god instead. However, both he and Ekarna have joined the ranks of the many gods that perished during the Great Darkness.

Over the course of Lights Going Out, you may hear the following series of reports, of a Rider clan trying to worship the troll god of trade, Argan Argar, instead:

The <Rider Clan>s have adopted the worship of an inhuman god. With their trade goddess dead, they have erected a shrine to Argan Argar, a merchant deity of the trolls.
The <Rider Clan>s dismantled their shrine to the troll trade god, Argan Argar. Though it sometimes yielded benefits, they kept losing their voices attempting to boom out chants in the troll language.

Concept Art[]


Jan Pospíšil designed Ekarna's unique rune. It is a combination of the Communication, Harmony, and Law runes, resembling her trade tent. In the game, her worshipers are identified by the Communication rune, but sometimes wear the Ekarna rune on their clothing.
