“ | A great thunder spirit appears before <Dresta/Doresa> as she drums before your shaman stones. It offers the king a blessing of wrath, to increase his might in battle. <Dresta/Doresa> counsels Venef to accept; to refuse risks angering the thunder. The king muses, "Offending the spirit could be costly. But accepting might reopen tensions between our pro- and anti-crown factions." Venef's critics grumble that his indecision once again complicates what should be a simple matter.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you convince Venef to accept the boon, the thunder spirit will pour lightning into Venef's sword arm. However, it is possible for Venef to go into a self-flagellating tirade that blunted the joy that the people would have otherwise taken in the spirit's gift. Alternatively, he may have been so swayed that he remains untroubled by his decision. If so, the people is relieved and Mood may rise.
- "Greater martial prowess will tempt me to go off and fight, which could be advantageous--or disastrous." - Venef
- "My presence on the ring will help persuade it--not that I think we should." - Other shaman
- "Gifting another clan would be diplomatically sound--but that assumed the spirit will credit us." - Reda/Diplomat
- "We'll make a Chaos fighter of Venef yet." - Kerenna
- "Iverlantho, who never rode to war, would surely have declined this offer."
- "It will be happy to bestow the boon on someone else."
- "Angry storm spirits can ruin crops with pelting hail."